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RE: Dansformation 12 Weeks Workout Challenge - Week 6 Day 3 - Cardio, Abs Workout - Meals, Juices, Supplements

in #dansformation8 years ago

I'm more powerful than you think. Look what I do with hidden accounts. Would you like me to go make 20 stronger ones to do it with instead of just 4 disposable? I would count blessings my friend. You want to solve the issue and seem bright? Pay attention to what was said and know your comment to me does not change it. That's brilliant. And all because only I control me. And obviously, I got this.


When I said a powerful person, I mean a person who has the power to control a country or to start a stupid war like you started here. I know that you are trying to make a point here, but doing this to other people that won't change anything​, or yes maybe will change something; people will adapt to this or people will hate you. You might be in control for yourself but you can't control others!