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RE: SPS DAO - We Only Move Forward Through Compromise

in #daolast year

You guys are not whales. You have lots of assets in the game that are worth a certain value to others in the free market. Those values fluctuate in price. If you were to sell your assets it would mean you no longer wish to hold them. The price of the asset would change in value and then someone else would then hold that asset. Im just a bronze player who owns all my cards and one day i will decide to buy a Prince Julian to add to my collection. I would of course would have to patiently wait till the NFT comes into my price range. SPL never once sold the PRINCE for 10k or any other NFT for the values that they are now. Its the players in the free market decide to change the value of the price.
Im glad you are here and writing your thoughts. Following. Loved your interview with the peoples guild.


I love your attitude and way of thinking about things @rubenski2020! Great mindset and I hope you get that Prince Julian one day!!! :)

Hey Davemccoy guess what? I am now a proud owner of Prince Juilian!

That's a great card, congratulations for sure! Not too many people can make that statement, impressive!!! :)

Btw, I also love the fact that you set your mind to a goal and achieved it. Patience and perseverance, that's what I will think of when I think of you now @rubenski2020 :)