HBD Conversion, Better Video Buffering and Other Enhancements

in #dapplr4 years ago (edited)

Hello, It’s been quite long time that we have released an update. We have been busy working on the Proof of Concept for some of the features / applications for HIVE blockchain. We will continue working on them until we have an MVP ready. In this post, we have added some new features/enhancements and fixed bugs reported by the users. The update is out (or will be in a few hours) on Android/iOS and the following enhancements are included in the update.

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1. HBD Conversion

HIVE blockchain allows you to convert HBD to HIVE tokens over a period of 3.5 days at an average price of each HBD as $1 worth of HIVE tokens. This feature is now integrated in Dapplr and now you will be able to create HBD conversion requests seamlessly using the application. On HBD conversion screen, you will also be able to see the pending conversion requests and time, it will take to be converted to HIVE tokens.



2. Better Video Buffering

Videos now will be able to buffer in a more interactive way. We have also included the image placeholder until the video is being buffered and a loading indicator showing the buffering is in process. This has helped to really enhance the overall video watching experience. For future enhancements, we will also include the feature of playing the video where the user left off to provide a simple and easy experience. Along with that, There has been some changes to the base urls for 3Speak and DTube so we have made the changes to support their hosted videos better.

3. Comment / Post Fixes

Users reported this issue and they were not able to post the comment or posts when the beneficiary is turned off. We have now made the fix along with a few other enhancements. In case of any error, the comment text won’t be cleared. Thanks to @deniskj as he helped us point out the issue and saved our debug time. Another issue that we fixed is the createdAt time, somehow it was using the mutated value and now we have made the fix for it.

4. Better Algorithms for Scrolling and Parsing Content

Scrolling through the content is the most crucial area for a user to enjoy the content and we have been doing continuous improvements in this area by bringing efficient content parsing and code optimisations. In this update, we have improved the code to efficiently locate the important content to be shown to the user including images and videos.


5. Better Caching

There has been an upgrade in the caching libraries and there were some breaking changes. We have made the necessary changes in the app to provide a better and faster content viewing experience.

Future Updates

We are working on Video compression, New wallet operations, Detailed account information, Faster media uploads, Performance optimisations for minimal RAM consumption, Better onboarding screens and a lot more in the queue. We will be sharing our Roadmap very soon and it includes very exciting stuff such as Encrypted chats, HiveSSO for onboarding etc. Stay tuned for the updates. We will also be launching a marketing campaign once we have the MVP ready to be integrated in Dapplr.

Earn Dapplr Tokens And AirDrop

Dapplr token is not launched yet so this is the time for you guys to earn as many Dapplr Tokens as possible using your content. Currently we are giving away 5x amount of Dapplr Tokens that a post earns. E.g If a post earns 5 HIVE tokens then you will get 25 DAPPLR tokens. This is only for the authors not for the curators. We want to give users every opportunity to earn these tokens based on their activity. Read More

Public Beta Access

Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dapplr.dapplr
iOS App - https://testflight.apple.com/join/Kxz5Pq1O

To know more about the team and their work
Dapplr Team Introductions

Follow us on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dapplr_app
Follow us on Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/@Dapplr_app

Join us on Discord and help us with your inputs - https://discord.gg/gZzqvwQ


Yeah, awsome! Love the app and just one question, when can I finaly use my refferal link! My friends want the app but it is not available!

Keep on rocking!
!BEER 🍻🍀

Posted using Dapplr

Referral link is live and you can share yours with your friends. Any error that your friend is facing?

Oooh , yeah I try it straight away! Greez
will let you know how it works :)

Posted using Dapplr

Hey @dapplr, here is a little bit of BEER from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

so I send her the referral and thats what happend...

Is says nit available in this country region.
But I have it and we are nabers :)

She has a I phone 6s+ if that is important, so she runs on os.

Thank you fir maybe fixxing this @dapplr


Posted using Dapplr

For iOS,

  1. install the application using the test flight url give in the post
  2. After installation, tap on the referral URL and it will open up the Dapplr
  3. Login and you are referred.

Once the application is live, we don't need to follow these steps. It will be just tapping on the referral URL.

Posted using dapplr

Alll wright! Thats a plan then!
Thank you !BEER 🍻

Posted using Dapplr

Hey @dapplr, here is a little bit of BEER from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hey @dapplr, here is a little bit of BEER from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hey @dapplr, here is a little bit of BEER from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Ps I have not earned one token ethen dough I post manly with the app now?

Do I do something wrong? Or did I just looked in the wrong place?

Greez !BEER 🍻

Posted using Dapplr

Hi @sandymeyer

The tokens are credited after some time or on post payout. Do not worry about it and check it in a few days, they will be credited.

In case tokens are not credited, We will manually credit them to your account.

Yes, todqy I have 1200 dapplr power! Awsome!

Posted using Dapplr


Exactly what I wanted to hear (read) hahaha
The best @dapplr

Posted using Dapplr

Hey @dapplr, here is a little bit of BEER from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hey @dapplr, here is a little bit of BEER from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hey @dapplr, here is a little bit of BEER from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Also now that I have youre attention:

I can not use tge nitification propper as when I tap on for example a coment it leads to the post commented and not to the comment, this results in me having to scroll down a lot to reply, this is egnoying.

Outher ways daim I love the app!


Posted using Dapplr

@sandymeyer it should not happen. Tapping on the notification takes you to the corresponding post or comment. We will have a look at it to verify it again. Thank you for notifying this.

Thank you for your feedback.


Ps it happens only with the comments on posts that I have to scroll down, when i tap on a comment replying to my comment it is direct.

Greez and more !BEER

Posted using Dapplr

Hey @dapplr, here is a little bit of BEER from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hey @dapplr, here is a little bit of BEER from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Thanks for the mention @dapplr.

This app is incredible. The video player has needed a revamp for a while now. Looking forward to the new updates and how they improve the overall experience.

Thanks @deniskj for the help. CoOL!

There is still a lot of room to grow. We will keep improving it as we move forward.

Dapplr tokens, are they only earned for posts, or do they apply to comments too?

Hi @chekohler

You can earn them using both.

Thanks, because I comment a fair bit using dapplr, so that's awesome :)

Awesome 😎

Posted using dapplr

Thanks @dapplr for your continuous improvement efforts! 👏😍

Posted using Dapplr

Hi @amico.sports

Thank you for your support.

Posted using dapplr

My pleasure, guys! 🙏

A huge hug 🤗 and some bit of !BEER 🍻

Hey @dapplr, here is a little bit of BEER from @amico.sports for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

I'm going to try this app for hive

Awesome, let us know your feedback.

Posted using dapplr

I will after I try it is there community too?

Dapplr is very fast and smooth app. I love it.

Posted using Dapplr

Thanks for your feedback 🙌

Posted using Dapplr

Greetings, it's good that the application has an update, I use this tool several times and I think it is great.

Yess. Thanks for your feedback.

Posted using Dapplr

Lovely update. Also the best thing to have is in-app conversion.

Posted using Dapplr

Yes. We believe the same 🙌

Posted using Dapplr

You're a superstar team here @dapplr!

encrypted chat

tickles me the right way. If you can get that right then this app is going to be something special.

I wonder if you can provide the APK on its own, off gggl appstore though? I want to use/test your app but I have g-crap locked out.

Anyway well done!

Thanks for your feedback 🙌

Posted using Dapplr

I read elsewhere too that you are in talks to provide a mobile front to LEO.finance? That's something I believe is big! A great mobile experience is crucial to Blockchain growth.

Do you have .APK to share on Hive for testing or just on the app store?

For Android, You can download the application from PlayStore and generate your own .apk.
For iOS, there is no way to install the application using a standalone file. You will have to use the App Store/Testflight

Wow! Never heard of the app before, I'm currently testing it and will shortly make a post to share my user experience :)

Posted using Dapplr


Posted using Dapplr

I love this update

Thanks for your feedback.

Posted using Dapplr

Muy instructivo y parece que dicha aplicacion es muy buena, saludos.