the last couple hours, the volatility of the crypto assets have been too high which resulted to the plummet of bitcoin and other assets to over 20% in few hours.
As we have seen previously in every dip there is a fud behind such dips which in turn causes most to panic sell and trigger stop losses and hence crashes the prices. This time it was not different as the tesla founder and CEO Elon musk released on his Twitter news that "they're stopping to accept bitcoin as payment method and reason being bitcoin miners using lots of energy but at the same time highlighting that they're not selling their 1.5Bilion dollar position
This news has caused outrage in "CT" as some are speculating that this is a tactic elon is using to manipulate the market. In recent weeks he was seen comment on a Twitter post
where he was supporting bitcoin miners using renewable energy but him now saying the opposite. So the question many have been asking themselves , is elon short of doing his diligence or he has alternative motive?
Tell me what you think the reason is in the comment below and lets also get to know each other. I'm new to here but I'm here to learn this amazing community and catch up basically.
Once more thank you everyone.
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