Bonjour people,
How to get started with Musing:
For those who do not have steem account , you can go to Sign up to register for free and start using Musing to enjoy your time.
For those who have steem account , go to log in with steem and connect with SteemConnect.
Once you are in on your own profile , there are filters;
To see the questions that you have asked and the answers you have given.
Musing curators are active they are still rewarding their people for their contribution let me show you some proof;
Musing is paying almost 1$ people that are contributing with answers and questions. Very good... Suprisinigly.
On their blog they havent been active for a long time, they give a feeling to people that they are not active anymore. This is not good, they have to work not to give up....
For those who do not know what Musing is; its just a platform for contribution with questions and answers. This is how you generate some rewards...
To give a shot with a question you try in +
You make your question , if people that have key of musing like your question or answer they will reward you. So be sure you write good answers....
Good luck to all.