DarcMatter – a Real Project That will Bring Alternative Investments to a New Level

in #darcmatter7 years ago (edited)

The branch of alternative investments is a very interesting and profitable segment of the financial system of the world. According to experts, the volume of world wealth will grow from the current 150 trillion USD to 220 trillion USD in 2020. This, in turn, will cause the growth of the money supply in the alternative flows. But the industry is subject to systemic problems:
• lack of transparency - numerous fraud and high risks led to multi-billion losses;
• a complex legislative base - the industry needs a new methodology that allows interacting with the help of the blockchain technology;
• offline interaction - almost all investments in alternative funds are made through physical documentation, which complicates the process itself and enhances the opaqueness.
DarcMatter is an operational platform with the help of which the investors from around the world can invest in Hedge funds, Private and Venture Capital. But its founders do not stand still and develop a new platform based on the blockchain technology to eliminate the opaqueness and inefficiency of investments in alternative assets.

Suggested innovations
The general scheme of work of the platform is shown in the figure below.

Unlike many other projects, DM is based on the NEM blockchain. In the opinion of the team, this technology is perfectly suited for creating an alternative investment platform. The nodes for verification and data collection will be determined according to the POI, which will not allow the participation of a wide range of public. This, in turn, will reduce the risks associated with security and increase the level of confidentiality.
DarcMatter will use a new principle called Tachyon ISC, which allows all bidders to be recorded in the blockchain and perform transactions using the smart contracts.

It consists of three main parts:

• Photon Gateways – check the contract for the nodes of singularity. They have a decentralized payment methodology, which eliminates the need for manual operations for verification and documentation. Photon Gateways allows you to make investments by creating DMnotes needed to transfer the value of the currency between the parties.
First, you need to buy DarcMatter Coin for fiat money, and then exchange them for DMnotes in Tachyon ISC. If the terms of the smart contract are met, then DMnotes are converted at a rate of $10 per unit. After the investment is made, they are burned.
• Singularities nodes are the nodes for DarcMatter Coin mining, with at least 15,000 DMC on the account, as well as the necessary volume of transactions for collecting and verifying the transactions.
• Global Registry DM is a repository of information necessary for the operation of the alternative investment industry. The data on the funds in it will allow you to adjust the interaction between the investors and fund managers without intermediaries. More details are shown in the figure below.

ICO Details

1 billion tokens will be issued, which will be distributed as follows:
• 500 million - sale during the ICO;
• 350 million – the management reserve;
• 60 million – the team reward;
• 40 million – is intended for investors who have invested at an early stage;
• 5 million – company reserve.

Public Pre-Sale is taking place at the moment and will last until June 30, 2018. During this period, the number of DMCs will be available up to $20 million, but the tokens will be blocked within two months from the start of the public sale. At the end of the Pre-Sale, the Public Sale will be opened. At this stage, the cost of the token will be 0.2 USD (there are no bonuses), and the total amount available for sale is 25 million units.

The received funds are planned to be distributed as follows:
• 49,04% – project development;
• 15% – marketing expenses;
• 4% – expenses for ICO;
• 15% – operating expenses;
• 5% – investments received from investors at an early stage;
• 2% – legal counsel;
• 3% – the costs of bringing the platform to regulatory requirements;
• 2,5% – compensation to the shareholders;
• 2,96% – payments to the management of the company;
• 1,5% – developers bonus.

Not every project that conducts the ICO boasts of already operating systems. Therefore, DarcMatter looks pretty attractive, because the platform was launched in 2014. And for the moment, it has offices in New York, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Seoul, and its clients include more than 1,300 investors and 150 funds. The transfer of the platform to the blockchain will increase the transparency and security of investments, which should increase the number of users in future, as well as make investments in alternative funds accessible for everybody.

Link to the official video:

Website: https://dmc.darcmatter.com/ WP: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fbhm6pgmbp5ktn6/AACK1_QfUEdlmm46ob_2fyE-a?dl=0&preview=DMC_Whitepaper+(v2.5)_EN.pdf TG: https://t.me/DarcMatter Autor on BCT: Melnikof https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1152502