I can’t swim in the ocean
nor a lake, nor a creek
(such absurdity)
I am wise enough, though,
to know the truth
about drowning
and I know how beautiful
the sharks may be.
I do not wish for drugs, nor death
to help numb my feelings
and make me quit thinking
about the deepness of this
Indescribable Darkness
which plagues me again.
I am chained to the bed
there is blood on my head
and I am screaming
quite effortlessly
but it’s fine.
(Just lovely)
I wonder what
the crows might caw
If I could prove to
these prison guards
that I am worthy
of breathing again.
Dear Crows,
Rescue me.
You may not see in the dark
But you are not alone
My hand reaches out
to hold you
I'm right here
Walking the blackness along
Feeling that void with a whisper
"Let's keep going"
Yours truly
Your haunting companion
At the witchy hour
Thank you 😘 Love you, milady ☕️❤️
Love you back my dear moon sister. Squeak. 🐀🐀🐀
Dammit this is my third trying to make a comment.
Your poem struck so many chords and made quite a few feelings surface. I can't find the way to express them. Dammit you done me good!
Just gonna share this song with you instead...hope it'll suffice...