DasCoin Update

in #dascoin7 years ago (edited)

Accomplished✔💯 SO FAR

  1. Blockchain✔💯 { Graphene based Technology, 6seconds max transaction confirmation time, 100,000+ transactions per second, smart contracts, interoperability, highly scalable for more features/updates, no forks (c++ written blockchain) }

  2. Webwallet ✔💯{ serves as a wallet and a trading platform, offers micro and macro payment, fee per transaction is 0.01$, opened to the whole world, bitcoin deposit feature which converts to webEuro to purchase DasCoin, more more features to be added as time goes on }

  3. Validator✔💯 { Hardware wallet serving as optimum security for your webwallet making webwallet perhaps the most secured digital wallet in the world, validator is capable of serving as cold wallet for bitcoin, ripple, ethereum and couple of ERC-20 tokens }

  4. Exchanges✔💯 { BTC-Alpha, Eubx, Coinfalcon, Excelo, Ultra }

  5. Ten blockchain partners,✔💯 DasAlliance { similar to Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, these partners will be carrying out their works/ICO on DasCoin Blockchain, they are;

    https://www.talespin.company https://www.evevio.com https://uk.natur.eu http://www.zelaacoin.com http://www.glyph.id/phone/index.html http://www.bloccelerate.vc/ http://greenstorc.com https://brandzooka.com http://earlywmc.com http://monetapro.io }

  6. Technical Whitepaper ✔💯{ dascoin.com }

  7. Open source github repository✔💯 { https://
    in }


  1. DasPay { A world first payment solution giving crypto its first contact with fiat, being designed by CartaWorldwide, to be launched end of June 2018 }

  2. More Exchanges { wait for that }

  3. Project Apex { A revolutionary kind of exchange, no major details yet, wait for that }

  4. DasCoin ATM { zelaacoin.com , displayed and tested at just concluded lunch, no major details yet, wait for that }

  5. Blue paper

  6. More more more.

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