The DASH begins!

in #dash7 years ago (edited)

We've made it to Los Angeles to start the Great American Pilgrimage, the largest ever crypto crowdfunded project in history!


On the flight out to LAX we received a sign from the liberty loving gods, obviously, because who should be sitting next to us but Ron Paul:


Bizarrely, there was someone else nearby on the flight who was going to the Nexus Earth conference in a few days as well, so that we should all meet on a random flight to LAX just a few days before does seem spooky!

And now, I'm here in Santa Monica, ready to start the pilgrimage. The Canterbury Tales was one of my favourites when I studied literature at UCLA, so I hope our journey is just as raucous but not quite as raunchy. :D


Hopefully, you'll enjoy the show. We'll keep you posted along the way!

[Signed, Stacy]


Hi ,
Thanks for sharing

500k - that's a lot. Good job!

The power of self-funded blockchains :)

Very nice, and good to have you on board! I pushed hard for your proposal to pass because I know you'll do a great job of promoting Dash. We're going to see a crazy rest of the year!

Dash <3

Do we have to get you a Steemit Shirt Stacy? @keiserreport :)

No, not yet! Dash sent me this shirt. They, in fact, sent me a box of shirts. Lots of swag for the road. :D

I thought Ben only took helicopter rides.

exciting. kewl t shirt have fun

I will be following you all the way!

Hello my friend, can you help and upvote my post with my son, on 4-th it's her birthday and I want to give a little gift.


What's your favorite thing about Dash @keiserreport?

As someone who is recently single and downsizing in terms of rent costs. Let me know how it goes maybe I can do my own budget one on Steemit . Actually I realise its silly for me to ask how it goes when I can just check my feed. I will shut up now.

Can't wait for your updates and following your journey! Amazing how fast this all came together! The Dash community rocks!

dash_heart_highres small.png

This is so great on so many levels! King of liberty Ron Paul, Keiser, Herbert and Baldwin! XD Too much to handle!
I've been loving Dash more by the day. I'm a big fan of their cap on circulation, I think it's going to allow Dash to boom well above a thousand in no time! :)
Keep up the great work!

Great photo op with Ron Paul.

Where is your schedule? What are you doing in Los Angeles? You are welcome to go jogging with the LA Leggers on Saturday morning at 6:30 am at 1450 Ocean Ave. next to the Santa Monica Pier. We are only doing 10 miles. Hey, I studied literature at UCLA. Professor Colacurcio was my favorite Nathaniel Hawthorne scholar. Wait, I remember the Cantebury Tales, the Wife of Bath. Max look out.


Super Congrats

You deserve even more :D

Can't wait to follow this story. I think its an exciting collaboration between Keiser and Dash!

dash shill? dash have no real world use case

you can also use steem as a currency

oh masternode and 7 million dash

no thanks unfair distribution

also just a bitcoin fork... just a damn FORK