$DASH across America

in #dash7 years ago (edited)

We did it! Dash did it! The crypto community did it!

In just under 24 hours, we raised over $500,000 from the DASH community for the Great American Pilgrimage, starring Max Keiser and Stephen Baldwin and broadcast on RT.

I have to say that I was very surprised at how fast this happened. Mark Mason over at Dash Force News had listed the project with just 8 days remaining in the current funding cycle and I thought to myself, “No way this happens in one week, too bad we hadn't listed it earlier so we would have a few more weeks ... ” But I crossed my fingers and, to the Dash community, I was like . . .


And the Dash community was like:


In just 24 hours, half a million was raised! My god, you would have thought that, after years of covering bitcoin and then all the altcoins and tokens to follow, it would no longer be possible for the crypto community to shock me? And yet, here I am. Shocked:

Screen Shot 2017-08-31 at 18.14.06.png

I’ve been quiet for a few days while working on all the paperwork and writing involved in closing a deal so so quickly! And, while I was busy typing, typing, typing, a funny thing happened to Dash:

Screen Shot 2017-08-31 at 18.16.05.png

Yep, it's up 50% in the 8 days since the project was listed. Hopefully, this is just the beginning!

I'll be steeming from the road, giving you backstage photos and videos en route. We head out in just 9 or 10 days! The journey will take us from Los Angeles to the east coast and, by the end of the pilgrimage, we will all - participants and observers alike - be a bit more enlightened, hopefully, about what just happened . . .

[Signed, Stacy]


I think DASH will be the first coin that will be used massively in the real life.

Agree, DASH will replace BTC. Because it really works. I prefer it 1 gazillion times for payments over BTC and anything else. I mine it, and use it.

Haha, I think 2nd layers of BTC will replace Dash soon. Infrastructure and network effect are very important and when BTC can do instant, cheap and anonymous transactions (will be soon) there is no use for Dash anymore.

WTF is it taking so long, they haven't got their ass up for years? Let me know your thoughts.

It's not a competition. We need both. I don't like the “corporation” structure of Dash, but as long as it is functioning for payments, we need it. And Litecoin. And Monero. And Steem. And EOS. And anything else that can prevent dark idea of “One Coin, One Government”…


I agree, good point

4,500 anonymous votes (masternodes) directly decide what gets done with Dash - I don't think many "corporations" act like that - that is more direct democracy.

yes Governance But also Consensus on Bitcoin is similar and Steem and our DPOS delegated proof of stake is the best idea moving forward for Democratic Republics and Government and legal systems in real life

Of Course our legal system should be some sort of Blockchain! And people should be able to influence court cases in a real open society not just some ancient egyptian group of 12 jurors, we should have a Bit Congress and Bit Legal system wBit College, University grading system on a blockchain, steemits model will help many aspects of life on Earth!

a PRIVATE steemit Blockchain where everyone gets automate high amounts of steempower, u have to be an employe in the company, its a website ONLY for employees of a company, u could make special steem hardforks or brand new DPOS type blockchains just for individual companies, maybe you could have a reward system for employes or students for clasroom, so many possibilities and especialy for private ones!

Man I wanna show u guys how fucked up Reddit users are to me, when i login here on steemit my inbox is all positive godo messages on redit its people saying theyre reporting me to get me banned from reddit for mntioning steemit, claiming im "advertising" when im simply trying to mantion something as im talking , as if ythey are the word police and thought polce! its REALLy crazy the hateful effect my talking about steemit gives to these teenagers on reddit! reddit.com/user/ackza im just Ackza on reddit and its fucked man look at the comments its crazy people hate me and ban me from r/personalfinance for simply giving my opinion about Bitcoin being a guarantee to make money, and they literaly ban me from earthporn for simply making 1 comment about how people can post theiur photos to Steemit top make money LOl of COURSE they dont like that but theyre SUCH pussies! Reddit is SO SCARED of steemit! Just check my reddit profile!!

I even got banned from MEME economy for making 1 post where i said they could actuly acomplish the goal I ASKED about like months earlier where i said i wish we coudl monetize the popularity of all these new memes! and they fucki BANNED me when i made a post saying that i found my dream of monetizing memes an showed example of how a comment on steemit can make money...they fuckin HATE money theyre twisted little fuckin brats who think money = satain, they are FREE moderators on a site that doesnt EVER pay them, NO reddit mod EVER gets paid not on ANY subreddit! not EVEN the most POPULAR subtreddits! its just a worthless title anyone can be made a mod! i am the admin of a bunch of popular subreddits like r/santacrux and r/illuminati and r/mescaline and ive been on reddit 10 years those reddit users have no respect for me, and here on steemit i build respect by earning steenmpower! here on steemit a steemit user can actually fucking HELP followers and helppeople earn a living off of their upvotes! We are so much more superior tio reddit it nmakes me sad to imagine all the wasted lives on reddit sad peopel who sit there making no money wasting their lves on reddit and theyll STAY on reddit because t heir gros reddit frinds will tell them theyre not allowed to use steemit

its so sad i want to free all the reddit users, i want the redditers to jpin steemit and be free of the hivemind

Tell em to fuck off on Reddit.

Yes @stellabelle will love to hear about all this awesome #Dash news! All of the dash people will love hearing Keiser Report on the Anonymous Cryptocurrency team! we should remind people how we used to be called Dark Coin and how at the start of this year Dash was only a few bucks sop this year Dash has made people like almost 400x and some people even got darkcoins back when they were pemnnies, its just like having bitcoins when they were pennies, I had a darkcoin qt wallet i was in an airport and flying to peu and i neverhad enough bandwiodth to sync my darkcoin wallet and i then didnt know any exchanges back then and i didnt realy use exchanges back then in 2014, i wish i had looked into it more, something told me too, my cosuin and I were both into darkcoin and telling peopel about it my instagram and my faxcebook has proof of me taling about how darkcoin is an anonymous version of bitcoin back then in 2014...i should have stucks to it, now I know better, and im trying to learn as much as I can and become an advisor to local bitcoin beginners, leadswho WANT to know about bitcoin in my area, (haha "find horny bitcoiners in YOUR area!" hah oh man yeah i feel like an ad bot for crypto! but im always telling peopel about cryptocurrency because its so sad all the opportunities I missed! i could be living in a penthouse downtown or a massive mansion just running a company in a skyscraper, i could have millions by now if i would ahve reallyw orkedmy ass off but saved up biutcoins and DARKCOINS back in 2014 when i had the CHance to buy Dash when it was less than 1 penny, i could have bought thousands and thousands of them for just a few dollars, and they would now be a bunch of Dash worth $400 almost each so i could easily have become a millionaire off Darkcoin if i had been a crypto hoarder earlier on but i had been sidetracked by being in a place with such slow internet and syncing those wallets was hard, i should have listened to all my friends into bitcoin about 2 or 3 people in vilcabamba, back in 2014, they wre talking about bitcoin and i remember Mt Gox really hurt Bitcoins reputation and only the peopel who studied the situation and didnt liusten to all the haters, only teh smart people kept their coins...peopel who understood that BTC is decentralized and they had all just been dependemt pon ONE bitcoin exchange....but i had people on teh groiudn complaining about how peopel lost like way over half their fortunes overnight...but i mean anyone dealing in crypto making money that fast back then cant be financially irresponsible! anyway nowadays bitcoin has an infrastructure but we should remember the buitcoin people wiill laugh at anyone trying to "outaw" bitcoin becausetheres no way to "outlaw" Math ....

Bitcoin is not a physical thing you can rmember your password as a brain wallet in your head, and even a barcode version can never be made ilegal unless u make all mathematics illegal! encryption is the future! China "banning" ICOs is not real news they are just making some restructins and any existing ICO is fine , look NEO is super cheap $22 now, it was $20, we should all buy some lol i bet its a great way to double money fast

I have some SBD I think ill use it to buy some NEO right now! its cheap and people freaked out over the news, but neo is one of these things that can really make people some money one of those Bittrex 100x ers and i realy need a few of those magical coins right now

Is the Keiser Report still going to be recorded and available? Or is the pilgrimage a replacement of it?

We will be doing both! Thanks for asking.

You're the best Stacy! Sending infinite Love Waves your way.

Dash miners on their way and may our blockchains intersect on the road...mobile Dash and crypto mining. Aloha

This is great news, I can't wait to watch the show!
tip! .5

Gosh, I remember when you guys jumped on silver in 2009 and autumn 2010. I always thought it was just a crazy coincidence that a radical breakout had happened. Now I see that you were actually manipulating the price of silver, to the upside. That was awesome.

I know !i remember the 2009 financial crisis and alex jones and max keiser telling people about gold and silver, but i WISH i had listened to the fringe peopel telling me about Bitcoin and the hackers and computer people telling me to hoard my bitcoins now!

Its ok though, we can STILL Make money! we should just buy Dash and Steem and all the altcoins that are still cheap! and honestly Bitcoin is still growing a LOT its going to go from 5000 to 5 million so its got another 1000x growth to make, BUT it DID already go up like 4 million percent so if you want another one of THOSE things, youl have to look at altcoins, and its rare but pretty much every popular top 15 altcoin this year has been outperforming even Bitcoin! I think the secret is to just post everyday on steemit and never stop working! save everything in crypto!

I think altcoins like siacoins bytecoin steem bitshares ripple steller and many other cheap cryptocurrencies, theyre all about to have their day, people who had been hodling them for a while will be very pleased,d al those cheap altcoins, if they have a purpose and a function, theyre going to go up! Look at Zcash Monero dash, they all have a purpose! They can be used as way to anonymously send money! If theyre good enough for drug dealers they are good enough for anyone looking to do all sorts of stuff that they may want to keep anonymous! These altcoins are one example of how useful crypto is! then steem its another altcoin that has a great purpose and is not just vaporware and anyway theres a lot of cool cryptos with a lot of usefulness and theres a LOT more money to be made!

anyway i have caterpillars in my flowering plants i need to remove before they destroy them...see money does grow on trees and bugs like to eat my nugs! See when legal cannabis comes online it needs crypto to function and hey Dash could be great for that! Potcoin isnt even anonymous but Dash and Monero could work good for legal cannabis dispensaries. But anyway crypto wil also be used for gambling and illegal activites, lol its alost like the backbone, but now more legal than illegal stuff is done using crypto

eventually the entire stock market will be crypto why not???

we have so many digital securities and assets that arent real, derivatives etc, we need to liquidate them all and build it all back up on a blockchain!

This is why something like Bitshares could blow up so fast! it could become a place where companies list their own tokens like shares on a stock market but much better! But i doubt they would accomplish that without a NAME change a rebranding! but look at antshares! with its neo rebranding it really blew up in price and popularity!

So anyway just imagine when something like bitshares has a rebranded private version that goes around talking to companies to convince them to create their own tokens instead of doing an IPO and selling stocks on a stock market, ...I know the nasdaq claimed to be messing with blockchains back in 2015 but I havent heard much about any real moves to crypto, maybe its secret, i cant imagine wallstreet NOT looking DEEPLY into crypto! they should be spending millions looking at all th different ways they can make trillions using crypto currency whjen you are an investment banker or a hedgefund manager you should seriously be putting a small amount of money into crypto because just a small amount of bitcoin will grow and make so much money and eventually hedgefunds will all start buying as much bitcoin as they can find..they cant do it all at once, they ave to buy on the dips or buy slowly over time to avoid a large bull run, they cant turn the spiggot down, no all the big hedge funds are now slowly buying bitcoin and crypto, maybe instead of inflating bitcoin they buy some other crypto and they then exchange it for bitcoin, theres lots of sneaky ways big companies on walstreet could be buying large amounts of bitcoin and anyway theyre not just goingto stop!

if you think crypto addiction for me or you is bad, imagine when you are a massive investment banker and you just turned 1 million into 5 million simply by buying Bitcoin at beginning of this year, and so youve already made 4 million dollars so far this year, and that feeling must be incredible, or imagine turning 1 million into 509 million in the last few weeks buy buying Neo when it was antshares around $1 and now having 20 million, i mean in a matter of weeks or a month crypto goes up sooo much so it must be SOOO amazing for people who invest millions into crypto, oir even for someone who invested a few thousand dollars is making tens of thousands and i cant wait to be one of them, especially with steemit, i cant wait for $10 and then $100 steem, and when we have $1000 steem anyone with 1000 steem now will be close to a millionaire! So people should be saving up all the steem they can get! why spend it on trivial stuff when u can become a millionaire from just saving up a few grand!

Can't wait to see the Great American Pilgrimage!

Safe journey and happy trails! I'll be watching out for steemit posts & YT/dT vids.

Upvoted & resteemed.


Really love the way your resoning to your fans @keiserreport your an A++ steemit user! And thanks for saving that steempower so your upvotes of your fans can really help them earn soe of their first crypto! Infact u can soon tell fans of ur show that if they join steemit and leave some entertaining or useful or interesting comments on your posts, that youl be able to Upvote it and basically hand them out free steem! and this steem Will eventually be more than $1 per steem and will be like $100 per steem so a few cents will be like a few dollars! cant wait to see peoples reactions to steemit mooning! Steem will be one of those things like bitcoin that people will have wished they joined earlier and hodled!

Thanks again for commenting with us!


Hey whats up @g-dubs nice seein ya here!

hey im about to go buy $100 SBD worth of NEO right now while its low!!!

what up @ackza I think you'll be happy in the long-term

it's so strange that's why get so many upvote, I wish we could give a upvote.

wow my Gif right above there orks perfectly with the baby the shadows and everything! Nobody change the arrangement of the comments!

Congratulatins to you, Max and the DASH community! Enjoy your $DASH across the US. =)

been hodling my dash.. it's got legs.. like tina.. love the new initiative and looking fwd to it !

I'm in! Thanks Max and Stacy! I can't wait for the tour to begin!

Will your first guest be Jim Rickards or Peter Schiff?

#dash #crypto #bitcoin #altcoin

Used Dash to return money for a coffee a friend bought for me recently. He was more keen on accepting Dash instead of a bank transfer or cash.

I like both Dash and Max Keiser. Hope they could instead make a Dash Across Asia or South East Asia. It would cost a fifth, and gain grassroot usage support in the communities that would be emancipated with the philosophy of Dash.

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