PIVX is better in my opinion.
Key differences between PIVX and DASH:
100% Proof of Stake – PIVX supports an advanced version of Proof of Stake (POS). This is a system that relies on master-nodes to verify transactions instead of miners. PIVX is 100% Proof of Stake whilst DASH is only 50%. This means DASH still relies on miners whilst PIVX does not.
Seesaw reward mechanism – PIVX uses an advanced mechanism to distribute block rewards. 90% of the reward is distributed to the masternodes and stake nodes, whilst 10% is distributed to community projects.
Availability – PIVX is a newer currency than DASH and less availability. It is traded on less trading platforms.
PIVX solves a lot of problems that DASH has and it is much cheaper. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.
I would disagree, DASH has huge potential.. see my comments in this article
"PIVX solves a lot of problems that DASH has". Dash doesn't have too many problems. We have a great team, solid technology, and a strengthening community with many more fiat access points. Can PIVX help Dash get onto the App Store? Can PIVX help Bitcoiners switch to Dash? Because right now, these are the only major problems Dash has.