DASH vs PIVX Masternode Comparison!

in #dash8 years ago

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If your interested in a master node then get it while it's cheap, as PIVX could be as much as DASH by the end of the year.

Just my opinion guy's


Very good article. I was about to post a similair thread. I do believe in blockchain. But since the market is more inflated as with the internet boom we do have to see the high risk investment the cryptomarket currently is. I found this great website: https://www.coincheckup.com This site gives a complete analysis and investment stats on every single tradable crypto out there.



Yes, i agree. i purchased a load yesterday when it was 76 cents, but now its gone down to 50 cents. at the min i am on a losing streak with PIVX. LOL

Yes, I want to try this master node thing, whilst it is still cheap. Yes, I agree I may have not lost in the long run but i think it has potential. Watch this space! LOL

Tell me about it.
Thats what got me in to Bitcoin is when i read and article how somebody would be a Millionaire if he kept all his Bitcoins he mined. The guy ended up throwing his hard rive away. What a big mistake that was. Every body is hoping for the same thing now, buying super low and hoping to hit it big, a little like what DASH has done. its shot up and is pritty steady now.