If we increase the house numbers we'll have to stop treating it like a full time job, lower the salaries and end the eternal post office benefits. It was never the intention of the founders to have full time masters in the house.
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Yeah, well we've strayed a long way from the founders intention. It was never the founders intention that we would have a central bank. (with the exception of Madison and a few others) It was never the intention of the founders to be involved in foreign entanglements. It was never the intention of the founders to have such a huge tax burden. (they rebelled over a relatively minor luxury tax) And, it was never the intentions of the founders that the states should cede powers not specifically enunciated in the Constitution to the Federal Government, like regulating plants, waterways, having a standing army (DHS) and many more. (tenth amendment)
If we could somehow go back to strict Constitutionalism, I'll drop the pipe dream of anarchy in a heartbeat.
We will have to expand congress to get there because the special interests are too rich and powerful and can control each and every election as it is this is our only hope to take back control or become rich and lobby for the way we want it to be.
Well, I'm not advocating it but if you read the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence...
We aren't just facing musket balls anymore. ;)
Musket balls were pretty nasty. Plus, with basically no battlefield medicine a shot to the big toe might kill you! I take your point, though.
To be fair, I was in the army for 15 years and I can't see our military using tanks and artillery on their own families and friends. If there was a coup, it would probably be more like the one that happened in Egypt.
Interesting you mention that. This just came out the other day: (We had a coup already by Johnson when Kennedy was assassinated then the rise of Kissenger empowered the MIC.). THe only way back is to empower the people via expanding the house to cut off their budget).
That is interesting. Just to be clear, though, I'm not advocating a coup, I just think it's possibly in the cards if things don't change. It doesn't actually take that many people to pull one off, if those people are well placed in the military.
There's already people suggesting in as a viable option.