The top 5 worst mistakes men make when talking to women and how to correct these mistakes!

in #dating8 years ago

How to ask her out

Instead of: "I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me sometime..." say this: "When are you free to meet up for a drink?" Notice the difference? It shows that you are confident that the woman likes you and wants to go out with you. The first quote communicates that you're unsure of yourself.

Never buy her drinks when first meeting her

Never ask a girl: "Can I buy you a drink?". This comes off as a bribe for sex and that you're trying to do things for her to get her to like you. Nature has already sorted out the attraction; now you just need to make sure you don't talk her out of liking you! Be you. Women love authentic men that do what they want.

Strong eye contact

Make strong eye contact. Never look away. If the man looks away first it shows that he is submissive, and you may not get another chance to prove your dominance depending on her level of attraction for you. This doesn't mean you should be staring at her from a dark corner, but actually approach her and make your intentions clear! No woman likes the creep that stares and does nothing!

Complimenting her

Most guys don't know how to compliment a woman. They think that if you give a nice and safe compliment to a woman, she will like it. For example "You have really nice nails" will NEVER turn a woman on or make her feel sexy. It will come off as a phony, ass kissy compliment from the typical nice guy. Instead, be authentic. Tell her what you really think about her. Tell her something like "You take my breath away. You are absolutely gorgeous. I love your long, silky black hair."

Don't be the knight in shining armor

Finally, don't be her butler or her knight in shining armor. If she's cold, don't take off your jacket and give it to her. I know this is what you see in the movies, but trust me, it doesn't work! Instead, tell her "Then why don't you come a little closer if you're cold?" with a grin on your face. (Go for the kiss if she reciprocates!)

I hope you enjoyed this little article! Most of these principles come from a book called How to be a 3 percent man. I highly recommend you check it out!


I'll save this article !!! Lol

I wonder if there is a book for woman out there

There are. In fact, women read a lot more self help books than men do.

lol, I can understand that

Him: Hi
Her: Hello (smiling)
Him: you want sum fuk?
Her: -cursing in Spanish-