Yes, it's true I train in communication, but I dedicate this post to those seeking more direct approach.
Feel free to comment.
When I was younger I used to employ different 'strategies' to try and establish this:
- Look for 'tells'
- Which way are her feet pointing when she communicates with you
- Are her wrists open (shows vulnerability)
- Does she tilt her head slightly when she talks to you (affectionate)
- Doe she touch you lightly
- How is messaging with you Vs her friends
- Frequency of communication
- Type of communication? (Functional or moment by moment)
- How does SHE respond
- When you touch her (elbow, arm, small of back)
- How do you say 'hello and goodbye'
These days.I go for an even smarter strategy:'So I like you. How do you feel about me?':p
I upvote U
It's pretty simple, most of the people try to be next too you, or want to spent time with you, if they really like you.
But if you really want to know just ask :)
I like it.
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