DTUBE Film Summary:
In this video I am going over the disinfo being spread by Laguna Beach Antifa that David Hogg did not go to school in Parkland Florida. This is not the case.
Is David Hogg a terrible crisis actor who forgets his lines? Yes proof: Link
His response is just as bad, calling for gun laws: Link
Proof that Antifa Laguna Beach is lying about the Yearbook photo:
As this video has been removed from YouTube this is only available to watch on DTUBE and BITCHUTE. The revolution will not be YouTubed.
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I saw this interview the other day and that kid is beyond stressed and confused. He has to be the worst(best) example ever of these fake events. The fact that he is looking for help about what to say next is very obvious.
There is a post today on zerohedge about the videos coming down with him in them. The comments are all on the side of fake, fake, fake. I think when these bad guys lost the election they also lost their money and that is why their fake events are so much stupider now.
Having raised two kids and survived some of my own bad times - no one goes on tv to fight for gun control when they are terrified and in grief. Instead they would be lying in bed sobbing. All I have to do is picture my own to know the others are acting and not really feeling the effects of a huge scare.
The shadow govt didnt lose the election. There was no election... as usual.. it was a "selection." Trump isn't doing anything to dismantle the police state, stop false flags, end wars, end chemtrails and toxic vaccines. In fact like he was put in office to do, he is accelerating all of the above. Until people quit falling for the one side is better than the other bs, we won't stop this Orwelli
an freight train from running us all down.
LMAO can't get enough of this clown. He's completely overshadowed all the other crisis actors involved, with his terrible acting.
Nice vid @titusfrost
Wow the official story is crumbling in a more glorious way than I thought it would at this point! upvoted and resteemed
@titusfrost CNN had quite the sh*t show last night with a seriously biased near mob riot mentality, scripted, and non productive ... protest!
Upvoted and resteemed. Everyone needs to see the bullshit going on with this agenda. I thought they couldn't get any sloppier than Sandy Hook but it appears the FBI, CIA, or whoever is involved with this is one-upping themselves.
How bad do you know this ... today the directors do not care about the studio that the actor has ...
for producers what matters is a pretty face is the harsh reality
Crisisactor What is this can you explain this ????
Yes, these are people that are given lines and allowed to be on TV in news reports because they have agreed to read whatever government propaganda they have been handed, normally stuff to attack gun rights.
well watching it on dtube the video that so bad David Hogg is a terrible Crisis Actor but he did not go to Redondo Highschool!
what about a petition?
you are great @ titusfrost
Incredible post. much obliged to you for sharing this post
Please @titusfrost see my post
Big people don't care about those hundreds people, who make thyself famous. They always think about themselves. 😞
thank you for shared my friend @titusfrost
Thanks for sharing us a most valuable & copious blog.That's why we can know many update's from your blog.
He isn't a crisis actor. Thank goodness he survived through that. For him arguing against stricter gun laws, i just have nothing to say about that.
He is a crisis actor. That is why he was fed lines which he could not recall. His body language on top of that shouts liar.
Cheers for doing real jouralism, he is indeed a bad crisis actor..
Yeah. I am annoyed because all the people around live in a fake world, socially engendered by propaganda.
You have a lot of awesome posts, but this is
by far one of your best ones man.
Great info. The people are getting woke.
CNN is cracking. They wouldn't deflect and actually come out and make this a topic if they weren't shitting their new world order diapers.
Clown shoes... that's all I can say about Hogg. Where are Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebbels when you need them??
Important video clearing up his school background. We all need to be vigilant in the truth regardless of what it might be.