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RE: World Wide Wake Up Tour With David Icke Is Coming To Ljubljana This Sunday

in #davidicke8 years ago

I like the guy, he is crazy but spot on about many of the true conspiracies. I disagree with him on the alien conspiracy, but inbred psychopath elitist might as well be aliens when compared to the rest of humanity.


You are right. They certainly don't live on the same planet as we do. They should move out entirely and leave us alone :)

I am looking forward to this Sunday with David!

Please make a post about the event. If you meet David, tell him about Steemit, maybe he can stop by and say hello to all of us here!

The elite are a breakaway society, however they are doomed to fail, just like they've done in the past. When I look at history there seems to be a cycle that repeats itself. If we could break this cycle through awareness of our past trauma from these people, they will truly leave us alone. They will starve not being able to feed off our suffering.

Will do. In fact, I posted a link to this post on his (or whoever is the editor of) Facebook account and mentioned his Twitter account too.

Yes. Too bad that they are making so much damage and causing so much suffering before they miserably fail in their intentions. The world would be an incredibly beautiful place to live in without them.