Recently I discovered a great software for 3D designing. Before that, even though I liked to learn 3D modeling softwares I stayed away from those because the other softwares were expensive. But this new software that I discovered is free and lightweight. so I thought, I could finally do some 3D modeling. but with a little bit of research, I found out that without a proper GPU, it's going to take literally hours to render a scene.
By the way, the software I'm talking about is DAZ3D. On the system requirements page for this software shows that you need a system with,
- 3GB+ RAM
- 1GB free HDD space
- OpenGL 1.6 compatible graphics card
My current setup has,
- 500GB of free HDD space
- i5 3470 processor
- GT 625 graphics card
So I think my current PC will struggle to render big 3D scenes because I don't have a modern Graphics card. so my fellow computer experts can you tell me, should I buy only a new graphics card like an RTX one(although currently don't have the budget) or will I have to completely upgrade my system to run daz3D smoothly?
Thanks in advance guys. hope you will help me! also, I would like to hear your opinions and experiences about this das3D software. so feel free to leave them in the comments down below.
photos are from Unsplash.