Whatsup DTubers?!
I have the pleasure of introducing to you an exclusive @dtube project! Welcome to dCinema, a cinema for DTube! On this page I will be posting all kinds of cinematic films/edits as well as tutorials AND featuring other Dtubers cinematic films and tutorials! I'm excited to have a community full of quality cinematic films. My ambitions are high with this page and I have so many ideas I want to implement for the future for the entire community! If you are interested in collaborating with me on this project, let me know below or shoot me a message on Discord!
▶️ DTube
Cant wait to see what you will share with us through here :)
Thanks! I can't wait to bring so much to the table and have all these creators recognized!
oh yeahhhhhhh. Proud of ya, Spence!
Thanks Kev!
Bro I LOVE THIS!! Would love to colab with you on this!! Lets chat! We do a few cinematic workouts each month! Lets talk!
110% on board! Let's do it!
I gave you a $.05 vote!
Will you give me a follow? I'll follow you back in return!✅ @dcinema, congratulations on making your first post!