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RE: dCity Investments - are the in-game events worth it?

in #dcity4 years ago (edited)

Because if you can spend 75 WEED to produce more than 75 WEED, then you make a profit.

To be fair, you'd only need to produce 75 WEED every 4 days since you can only repeat the same event every 96 hours. 221 Weed Farms should keep it self-sustaining.

Not a bad event, but I don’t know if there are still Dice Packs available

You can find that out by visiting the @dcityevent wallet.


There are currently 180 packs left.


True, if you produce 75 weed per 4 days, then you can keep running the event every time it comes off cool down.

Thanks for the tip about the packs, I hadn’t thought about the fact that you can just check the wallet.

Yeah, I didn’t know that’s where we could see the packs until I asked.