Another day, another burn report. Except this is only the second one I'm making.
Overall we have burned quite a few cards so far, with this being the current total:
7x Luxury Home (14 total potential daily SIM income)
50x Gym (250 total potential daily SIM income)
14x Restaurant (140 total potential daily SIM income)
6x Weed Dispensary (60 total potential daily SIM income)
Due to the low basic income tax(current just below 4%) the presidential salary has been decreasing each day, we started out at nearly 6k SIM and are down to about 4.5K sim today. However it will not be raised for the remainder of this term(a in depth plan for second term if elected will be coming out from @rishi556 in a day or two).
A total of 464 daily SIM income has been burned(assuming 0% taxes and no boosters) which is 169,360 in a year. If taxes go down to 0% again, this should slightly help combat inflation(very slightly though). With the supply of 1st edition cards going down, their price should go up to reflect that(can be seen on GYM for sure, when I stated buying they were about 330 SIM each, and now they are about 400 SIM each).
If I have time I'll figure out the total supply of each 1st edition cards and see how much of a dent that this burn campaign is making.