
Hey @kawaiicrush. It is legal here in California as well on the "State" side but still illegal as far as the "Federal" side goes so this means that You can have it on you, grow it, smoke it and share it legally as far as California is concerned but if the Feds step in, you can still be arrested for it.

Kinda "Stupid" in my opinion. I hope you feel better and I hope that You and All Your Family are Always surrounded with endless Blessings.

Oh dear yes that is stupid. Also I was listening to a Native American man talk about it on the news this morning and they have used it for health purposes for hundreds if not thousands of years. He was explaining the human body actually has a symbiotic relationship with the compound found in weed and that it is very good for people when used appropriately. I am considering trying it but need to do some deep thinking first. From what I hear it is less harmful than alcohol and much safer. Now having said that I don't even drink. Unless I am at a wedding once a year, or new years eve perhaps. It is something I would consider on occasion for sure. Talk soon Jay! Nice to hear from you <3

@kawaiicrush. I remember My First Peyote Ceremony to get my Name. It was a long ceremony for sure but one of the most amazing times in my life. We think that anything that grows naturally from Mother Earth can be turned into a natural cure. For every disease out there in the world, Mother Earth has a cure. The Native Way of Thinking Always. May all your Days for you and your family be blessed.

Ontario will be introducing cannabis beer next year, the first of its kind. It will be alcohol free, gluten free and have less calories.

I hope you'll add more.Glad to see you in first #dtubesnap.

Yes can you imagine if I try weed in one of the DSnaps. I might be laughing my head off through the whole thing! hahaha :P

woo weed! Apparently its really good for medicinal purposes for some people.. we wish it was legal here cos my brother in law with autism could do with some


Yes, baby steps! The cops are still such @#$%# about it still. But baby steps. Nice to see your face! 1💜🤘

Just come visit me sometime and we can stop by the little shop hehehe here you can feel safe and the cops will smile and nod. You can smoke it right on front of them just like a cigarette <3
Most of our cops smoke it off duty and brag about it. Even our prime minister admits to smoking weed. Your welcome up this way any time sweetie! <3

Man, sounds like my kinda place!

Posted using Partiko Android

Welcome to the party from Seattle!

Posted using Partiko Android

Wooo hooo!! Yes!! Thank you for stopping by my friend! <3

Welcome to the club Canada. Im watching now, just had to say that

Thank you! I have severe back pain and degenerative disc disease. It is not something I talk much about. My Mother is permanently disabled with her own set of serious health problems. I am considering trying it. Why suffer any more? Thanks for your comment sweetie! <3

Actually, Canada is number three. But Uruguay as a Latin country is commonly ignored in that. Nevertheless, happy legalization.

Canada is the first of the g20/g8 countries to legalize.

I mentioned Uruguay as number one a whole hour before you left this message (screenshot to prove it below). Not sure who is ignoring them but it sure isn't me. Best of my knowledge and according to all news sources they are number 1 and Canada is number 2

. uruguay.png

There are literally hundreds of articles online bragging about Uruguay being number 1. Also an hour before you posted this I was bragging about how they are number 1 to people in my comments section. I have not forgot Uruguay. I am of mixed ethnicity. No racism coming from me. My daughter is so mixed she is literally a little bit of nearly every race on earth and I have a DNA test to prove it through Anyhow take care. Sorry you were offended. If you would have read my comments you would have seen they were not forgotten. Uruguay was bragged about by me.

I can not find a number 3. Can you please tell us who number 3 is? @flauwy

No need to defend yourself, I wasn't offended at all (and even if I would have been then that would be my own problem and not yours). I was just passing on what my wife told me 5 mins before I stumbled upon your post and I should have paid more attention to both her and you. I apologize, I didn't mean to attack or anything and I certainly didn't want to open any racism cans. Peace, love and anarchy!

I assumed Portugal to be number 3, where all drugs are legalized.

The whole prohibition of weed is crazy... And while personally I have experienced MANY setbacks as a result of my over-indulgence in the greenery, I STILL think it should be legal... I mean, like you said, nobody has ever died from a 'weed overdose' in comparison to Alcohol, it's kinda weird that it ever was illegal. I mean, the government officially says "It's bad" but that doesn't make sense alcohol is sold pretty much everywhere and kills thousands yearly. The logic does not add up and I am thankful that finally some of our resources can be put towards better use than trying to fight this stupid, un-winnable war against a FREAKING PLANT. Now having said all that, of course addiction to anything isn't good and because I started at a younger age, I think that's why I got so 'heavy' into it and it's really true that minors - unless suffering from some debilitating medical condition (such as epilepsy) should not be consuming Cannabis. And one last thing, if you don't smoke, and ever want to... just don't smoke too much. My buddy once told me... in order to appreciate something, you have to appreciate it. And lighting up every hour is certainly not appreciative! There have been times in my life where I really 'felt the magic' of this plant, the creativity, the mind-body connection, the hilarity... but all those 'good' qualities quickly go away when you're over doing it and it gets replaced by a 'blah' that can envelop your whole life if you let it run amok. It kinda sucks when instead of 'consuming cannabis' it 'consumes you' but ... then again, it's possible to become addicted to anything.

Funny though that on the day of legalization I am on like ... day five of my hiatus AND FEELING GOOD. However, the times that I've stopped 100% I've also wondered 'does it have to be all or nothing?' I am now at the point where I am seeking balance with it. But a good long break is definitely in order.

p.s. I just rear your snap description and I am happy that you agree!!! 👏 Thanks for posting! :)

All very good points @synrg! Balance is key! And clarity of mind is also very important. We should always maintain control of our own lives and not let any one substance control us. We should always keep ourselves in check and make sure we use self control and moderation to keep a healthy balanced life style. Also I agree minors have no place in using any sort of substance as their body/brain is still growing. They do not have the responsible qualities that come with adulthood as well. So they should not consume in my opinion. Also it is illegal for them to do so as well. Which is great.

All things considered it is much safer than drinking and I can not and have never understood why it was always so taboo. If anything making people go to 'drug dealers' to get their weed.. who also sell many other much more dangerous substances puts the general population in danger. This was a great move on Canadas part. It just makes me even more proud to be a Canadian <3

Thank you @synrg for your thoughtful and meaningful comment. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by :)

Big ups to Canada. Now I need to organize property there. Which country was the 1st to legalize marijuana @kawaiicrush? Is it USA?

Yes come on down! We would love to have you! The first Country was Uruguay <3
Also I was reading up on this whole legalizing of weed and it is creating massive jobs. The farms that grow the weed, the shops that sell it.. the places that package etc. It is creating massive Canadian jobs. And giving Canadians a safe method of getting it. I know that so many people have had to turn to shady people in back alleys to get their weed. So now they can buy it safely and to me that is so important! Also the money it will generate will now create those jobs and boost our economy! So it is a huge win for Canada in every way! Not sure where you are located but if you have not been here yet I highly suggest paying us a visit. The people are super friendly and Canada is so full of natural beauty. The mountains of BC all the way to the Niagara Falls (my home town) to the waters of Nova Scotia! It is a place you wont want to miss!

Werd was officially legalized in my country, South Africa this September. However, there are some constraints as we are legally allowed to grow it for personal use only. We have not reached the heights of commerce even though there's a restaurant store in the city that sells it openly. The wack thing is that I'm in China now where the people are sometimes so ignorant of this wonderful plant that some citizens don't even know what it is. The penalties are severe though.

I can't wait to visit Canada. After I watched Fahrenheit 9/11 and Bowling For Columbine I've also figured that I should have a home in Canada. I think you might like South Africa my friend..

Yes you are more than welcome here in Canada! Also I have heard good things about South Africa! I must visit some day! :D

I need it 😮😮😮😓 I hope We get it in Estonia also one day 👌🌟

I hope you guys get it legalized soon! Certainly if it is safer than to drink than why would the government now allow it? I would hope they would want a healthy society! I think weed is the safest solution for pain, and to relax :D

YEs... this is true it is healthy... but here lot not know this ... and lot old people the most :( but we see what next years do .

Welcome to the club it was made legal in South Africa last month! Keep em high and sedated and they won’t complain about government. 👍 lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

I am going to be very honest with you and don't get me wrong I appreciate your thoughts. I would say 9 out of 10 Canadians smoke pot and don't care if it is legal or not. So the government has nothing to do with people getting high. Trust me we complain and do not let anyone mow us down. Canadians are a strong people. We give until we have nothing left, we believe in kindness.. and treating all people as our equal. We welcome everyone, and say sorry even when people bump into us. You misunderstand us as a people.

Lol can't say I know much about Canada or its people or anything for that matter, but thanks!

No worries! I will teach your of our ways hehehehe :P

welcome to arere so lucky but in our country weed is e legal.

Oh neat! Where abouts are you from my friend?

have you heard about ???

Yeah I heard about it. My focus is Steemit/DTube though. <3

Anyone in central canada wants to blaze just let me know. ;)

lol comment of the year award! hehehe I read this from my cell when I was out and I busted out laughing in the middle of Toys R Us haha thank you for this :P

weed is not good it's destroy bodies and life, but if it for medical situations that's will be good but don't use too much

Well the same can be said for any thing. Even a car can destroy, a plane, a kitchen tool such as a knife, a set of stairs (someone can fall)... you would have to show me science that proves weed hurts the body. Also many people have severe pain from medical conditions and why should they live their life in pain when there is a remedy? Lastly not all pain is physical. Some people suffer emotional pain, and use it to relax. Adults have the free will to decide under a democracy to do what they feel is right for their own selves. I see no harm in that. Anything in moderation is ok in my opinion as long as it does not harm another human being.

There are studies that show that weed has an adverse affect on brain development up to the age of 25. I'm not sure how much has to be consumed to affect it though.

look at addicted people and then judge by yourself
and i agree with you @movievigilante

These DTube Snaps remind me of when Canada had Speakers Corner. I've never tried cannabis either but I was in favor of Canada legalizing it.

What state are you from? I go to Oregon as often as possible to spend some time with my partner :) I adore the mountains and hills out there!

I myself. Never done this myself either. But I agree on the CBD aspect for medical reasons. It's a catch 22. Government wanted to make this legal so they can collect the taxation from it. However like since we are in Ontario. The legal "store" you can buy from is not even ready till later in 2019. Just an example of someone's thinking I guess. Anyways thanks for the awareness. Sincerely JR of Exciting World Cryptos

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