It's soooo cold in here but watching you eating that ice cream made my mouth watering😕. We have human who make the ice cream but they don't say thank you lol...
It's soooo cold in here but watching you eating that ice cream made my mouth watering😕. We have human who make the ice cream but they don't say thank you lol...
hehehe that is so funny! You know sometimes the people here don't even bother to say thank you! Or you know what they say after they help me? They say "Have a good one" or I say to them "Thank you for helping me" and they say to me "No Problem" <---- NO PROBLEM? Who said it was a problem?? I find this is such a rude thing to say to people... why can't they just say "Your Welcome" <-- this is the proper thing to say I think.. but what do I know.. I am just a small town Canadian girl :P