Some poor people didn't even have a chance to shower or some things you mentioned here. It would be more appropriate to talk about the system and people that are still accepting poorness as some kind of decision for some people.
Yes, some decided to be poor and to be lazy. But, NEVER FORGET those who didn't even have a chance to find a job or to take a shower.
I'm not raging against you. I just don't like how we treat poor people. :) Imagine creating a video about rich people - they are greedy, they are putting money before people, they are destroying others and planet for their own benefit, they are having way more than they need, etc.
So, both sides are shit. Let's just be people!
Have a great day.
They always can find a job. The video is made to motivate people. Not to keep them complaining that they don't have a job. In this world there are a lot of opportunities if they try hard. What you will tell about a man didn't even has hands and legs, but he found his way to survive.
How many of them did it what he did? Where is he born? Did he had family or friends? Was he born while bombs were dropping on his city? Was he born with some mental disorder so he can't talk?There are so many things that can change the course of your life.
Weather we like it or not, LUCK is a big factor. Not the biggest but we are lucky to live where we live. Are you telling me that you would have same financials if you were born in Africa in some village? No, that's why you and me are so lucky.
Anyway, I don't want to sound like I got something against you or that I'm raging. I'm not, really.
I just don't like categorization of people. We are individuals and should be treated and judged that way.
Peace, love and unity and sorry if it feels that I'm attacking you but I'm not, I think I understand who you're targeting. I just want to put mentality into people that poorness is something deeper than this and that some of us are lucky to have what we have.