Awesomesauce! finally another rhythm gamer c: That's pretty legit, I also plan on covering rhythm games coming up as I've built a couple stepmania cabinets myself. What is your favorite song? I really like "Unbelievable" it's on DDR A
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Hey! Thanks for reading! I'm not actually a DDR player anymore per se... I play In The Groove now, or even Stepmania 5 with an arcade pad plugged in via usb. I really enjoy the limitless content Stepmania can provide, but if I had to pick out one single DDR song as my favorite, I suppose it would be "Over The Period" from DDR2014
Open ITG, and Stepmania 5 leave so much open to possibility. I guess you can say I don't play DDR anymore either in that case. Over the Period??? You sound like a stamina player, it's always great to get a nice workout! c: