Hot Deal: 4GB/4000 min/4000 txt msgs/month for a topup fee of $40, NO MONTHLY FEE!

in #deal9 years ago

For all of you that have some Steem to spend, but want to use that to save money.

RingPlus is offering 4 GB/4000 min/4000 txt msgs per month for free every month with a $40 deposit. I'm not joking. You deposit $40, and you get 4 GB data, 4000 min talk and 4000 text messages every month for FREE. If you go over, the overage is taken from your deposit.

This is much better than most cell phone deals. I've been on Ringplus for almost a year now and they work just fine. They use the Sprint Network (may not be great where you are), but the price is unbelievable. Furthermore, they take Bitcoin for your deposit, so you can literally get a new number almost right away!

The only thing that's hard is that you need a compatible phone and a new AT&T sim card. Most Nexus and iPhones work fine with it, but you should look at the website for compatible phones.