Also, I love doing big research projects and writing long, in depth posts with lots of sources however that can take me a week (or longer) to put together. I've been throwing in quick little "20 min blog a days" with lighter, off the top of my head topics so fill the void in between my big projects... do you think this is a good idea or should I hold back for fear of creating crappy/spammy-ish content?
Thank you so much for reading my questions! I know I'm not a newbie but I can definitely use your advice :-DDear @goldendawne when you like cover a lot of different topics and genres and some of them are politically charged or even can come off a bit debate-ish, ranty or even "negative" do you think it's best to add some lighter content in between these types of posts??
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In regards to political content; the choice is yours. I have seen political posts since my first days on steemit. Being who I am, I avoid drama and don't meddle in others' disputes and drama, I have not written about politics or commented on the posts.
The nice thing about steemit is you are interacting with so many people across the world, and they all have their political views whether in the USA, Germany or Malaysia,and I have seen some intelligent conversations and friendly debates happening. But keep in mind, you can never post a political article without opposition or borderline negativity. so if you decide to post political topics I would perhaps recommend sticking to facts versus propaganda or what is considered pundit views.
Regarding sticking in some shorter posts- I have done this myself and sometimes still do. Trust me, I have dozens and dozens of posts to keep me busy for weeks, if not months, but some days (if I am suffering from an episode from my auto-immune disease) I will only post a short/quick article just to stay visible to my followers. If you posts TOO many of these though, it could be misconstrued as spammy, so I would advise you to limit these types of posts unless they are tag and truly photography, contests or challenges.
And I will totally take your other wise words into consideration too. I'm glad to hear that you do the same thing a bit (now I know I'm on the right road). Sorry to hear about your auto-immune disease -sending you good vibes and love my dear!thank you @goldendawne !! I guess I didn't mean exactly politics as in republicans/democrats all that nonsense LOL I don't pay much attention to that but I guess I meant more like social injustice kind of political-ish posts but I've taken your advice very seriously anyways because regardless of the exact topic you do really have to stick to the facts and not instigate arguments.
Ok... so in regards to topics then- you are referring to other things than actual politics. Got it... I would say the same rules apply. Maybe search the topic you are thinking about writing about and see what else is on steemit now. Read through the comments on the posts and see what negativity you may be facing.
ahhh very good idea! thank you! I'm building a series of blogs looking at the prison industrial system as well as the social stigmas created against inmates, felons etc - I got some good feedback on a "warm up" post I did the other day which made me a little more confident that people will respond at least in a civil manner lol
I can imagine there will be a bunch of blogs floating about on this topic so I my next step is to see what I'm up against!
Perfect- so you have already tested the waters more or less and know what you'd like to discuss. Make sure too- link back to that original post you made too
ohh thank you for the reminder! I keep forgetting to do that with my tarot tueadays posts too. lol