Thank you for the info, @goldendawne! @davemccoy put me onto that about a week ago and yes it makes a huge difference!
I have not looked at the Voting Slider you posted the link for yet. I have been trying to use the Manual Voting Slider function on with @bashadow's patient help. I know @lynncoyle1 has been experiencing similar error messages. I am told this is @steemchiller 's project so I am sure he knows about this and will be addressing it.
Meanwhile, thank you for your help, @goldendawne!
Hey there @kismet2018, I left you a message in Discord because I spoke with @steemchiller and got it all sorted out. Check your messages, the answers are all there :) It was our error, not @steemchillers...I'm sure that comes as no surprise; it didn't to me, after all, it usually is human error haha
Haha ... of course! My assumptions is if ANYTHING goes wrong, especially on Steemit, it's because of my not knowing! That's a given - hehe
As for @steemchiller's, I am blown away by the brilliant mind that developed that! I will check Discord! I really appreciate your following up with me @lynncoyle1!