Well I can tell you from first hand experience that there is afterlife.
My own experience comes from 2 sources one of them is the fact that I can leave my physical body and do travels in my spirit form i.e. OBE. But I'm not very experienced with OBEs so at first I wasn't sure if I was really doing travels in the spirit realm or was just lucid dreaming inside my own mind, however I was convinced after I found from external source that I am indeed able to do travels in the spirit realm.
This second source of information for me at least is an undeniable proof that life exist after death. This proof comes from the many Shamans of my country (Mongolia) that I have met in the past several years. For those not familiar with Shamans, they are people who have connection with their ancestral spirits. A shamanism is considered the root of all religions since it dates back to 100s of thousand years.
Our country has one of the longest history of worshiping Shamanism also it was the main religion in my country since the age of recorded history.
Although I'm not a shaman myself but I have many shaman friends who have told my that they ancestral spirits told them that I was indeed a spirit traveler. My own father passed away only a year ago. However I was able make contact with him after his death through my own travels as well as through my shaman friends whose ancestors could commune with my father in the next world.
I'm writing this because I know how hard it can be to lose someone dear. But for me since I was able to communicate with my father after his death, I was able to get over my loss much quickly. Although I will always miss him but I know that he is "Alive" at least in the spirit realm.
You can find out more from my own blog that I have started recently.
Btw I upvoted your post!