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RE: The Sandman: Dream and Death

in #death3 years ago

All gorgeous stuff… your quality and quantity of work never ceases to amaze!
I’m getting ready to “Gaiman it up” a bit myself. With a chunk of a recent crypto windfall I decided to treat myself to all 7 of the “Absolute” Sandman hardcovers. It’s time for a massive re-read…


Congrads on the recent windfall! I'll admit I am very envious of having the Absolute collection; I spend more time than I should on eBay trying to find them for prices I can justify. Someday though, someday! And thank you for the kind words! I hope you enjoy the reread. I've heard of some folks listening to the audio productions while reading the comics, which seems like it might be a fun thing to try.

I have never listened to an audio book at all but I've heard people rave about the Sandman stuff so it might be a good place to start! Doing it in conjunction with the comics would feel like an adult version of those old children's storybook & record/tape combos...