That’s about how I’ve felt when I’ve lost chickens or quail. Not quite as attached as something you interact with on a deeper level. It’s interesting how that goes. I will be interested in reading your thoughts on when you decide to cull for yourselves.
Sorry you lost that little guy. I didn’t know he had passed. And I’m sorry it was more difficult for you.
I think it helped with me for the chickens was because I tried not to interact with them as much. I think that decision really helped with attachment.
Yes not interacting as much really helps and I'm hoping once I get the breeding stock of rabbits used to me so I can handle them easily we won't lose any more. I probably wont handle their babies as much knowing that I got more attached to the buck. I'm also trying really hard not to name them.
I'm really on the fence about butcher day. Originally I wasn't going to participate but I feel a little bit better about the whole thing. I probably won't decide until day of or once we decide on a butcher method