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RE: The Day I Saw Death!

in #death7 years ago

In the past year I have been to nine funerals. Four were for very old people who had become frail and were clearly close to death. Two were for elderly people who seemed to be in great physical and mental health, but sadly got ill and rapidly deteriorated. The other three were for young people (under 60). One died of a brain haemorrhage, one died very suddenly of a rare illness, and the other one got lost in a storm. With the frail elderly people I felt glad that their time had come and they died in peace and with their affairs in order, although one of them was mother to my cousins, and while she had been ill and suffering for years, I felt very sad for them.
The other deaths upset me a lot. I had trouble sleeping for about a week after my friend was lost in the storm, wondering what she went through. Death, when it happens unexpectedly, can make you reassess your own life. When a good friend died 10 years ago, I helped her relatives sort through all her things. She had left no will, and it was a mess. I immediately got my lawyer to help me draw up a will. It has also made me think about my possessions, that we are just borrowing them. And it's made me re-evaluate my priorities.
Life after death? We are living it! Where were we before we were born?