Tomorrow, I will go to the hospital to sit with my mother as her husband has a surgery to try to remove more of his cancer to extend his life. He has already gone through Chemo, and will do more after the surgery.
I lost my Mother-in-Law to Cancer a few years ago, and so many people I know are struggling with cancer. One of my best friends lost her husband last year. Maybe it is just hitting my world hard right now, but it seems like it is exploding.
I feel fear and anger when I even hear the word.
Cancer is expected to affect 1 in 2 people living
We must question why the explosion.
Unless we become like the Amish people, perhaps it will be hard to avoid...
2 things we should do is;
1 regularly have our vitamin D levels checked as there is a strong correlation between low vitamin D levels and cancer outcomes (and the government keeps telling us to Slip Slop Slap)
2 Check my blog on stopping cancer spreading here
Wish all steemiters and their families the best of health!
Thinking of you and your family. That word scares me
I lost both my parents to cancer. My dad was 41 when he died and my mom was in her 80's when she died after having several struggles with different cancers.
I am in my mid-50's, and I lead a stress free life in South America now. I had smoked since the age of 12 and have zero problems with health so far - I am grateful to God for my life!
I am very sorry to hear about your parents. I am also glad you have found a healthy life in South America.
Whereabouts in S. America, @brains, if you don't mind my asking?
@whatsup, i hate it. I really think its mostly from our shitty food and drink. cancer is an out of contol fungus that loves sugar. I wish i didn't like IPA beer and chocolate so much. Love from California and Steem On Dude!
IPA Beer!!! Merlot. Many things I like are bad. :) I like Whiskey, but I don't like to be drunk. Where does a person turn?
@whatsup, drunk sucks. Been years since I've been seen running down the street naked. Seriously, if we managed our lives with quality food we, would be in much better shape in fight against cancer.
As far as wondering about the rest of the world, the CDC has an article here that is interesting:
Thank you, I will take a look.
This is from 2013, however, I don't think much has changed since then with our global ranking. At least, not for regular folks.
Wow is right. Wish those weren't too grim. I have heard, however, that there has been a lot of progress with cancer treatments and I know that our medical industry does not transition from cash cows too readily. So you might do well to research, not the 'new age' alternative therapies, but realistic, science backed, alternative therapies. I recall hearing that something was discovered a year or 3 ago, that literally melted cancer cells. OK, maybe they weren't being literal, but I recall that specific description. I think it might be in use in Europe, but over here, they're just making too much money treating cancer they way they have been for some time now. :-(
It is very sad, how much influence money has on everything including health and even science. I believe in capitalism, but something is broken, and I am not even sure I could identify exactly what. What are your thoughts on how to help get healthcare headed back in a positive direction?
I posted an article last month called "Obamacare Is Not the Problem." In that post I described how a consulting project I participated in back in 1985 led to my discovery that hospitals were changing from a cost-plus business model to a pure profit business model. This fact changed hospitals from healthcare centers to profit centers. Healthcare is now hostage to stockholder profits.
Certainly. Our brand of Capitalism lacks business ethics that reflect our supposed value of human life. That is pretty much the root of the problem, IMHO. That and contrived scarcity. OK and Classism.
This lack of business ethics is demonstrated with the hare-brained guiding principle that a corporation is solely responsible with providing profit for the shareholders, above all else. It is by this mandate that the scorched earth policies of multinationals continue unabated.
What about the market itself!?! They fail to see that they are killing their customers ... Or else they know very well exactly what they're doing - however people do not like to entertain that possibility, so we'll just leave it at that.
With Healthcare, you have large corporate entities (Demons? lol!) trying to gouge out all of the profit they can and we end up with the screwed up system we have. A system which is the laughing stock of the rest of the developed world.
just more than 5 years ago, i found out i had cancer, lymphoma and prostate cancer. these are the same cancers that killed my brother. my father also currently has prostate cancer. after looking at the medical industry's track record and the trail of devastation in my own family, i decided to trust myself instead. i cast about for a likely answer. since i was very young, i have been reading any science literature i could get my hands on. i have seen many promising treatments for cancer appear in the literature over the years, only to disappear, never to be heard of again.
if anyone is interested i can tell what i did for myself. i can't be anyone's doctor.suspicious minded people have told me that all of the best patents are bought up by corporations or disappeared by the government, but i decided to look anyway. it turns out this is not true. they are all just sitting there mostly unused. after 20 years, they are out of patent, this varies a bit. if you know what to look for and how to use what you find, there are amazing things for the benefit of everyone, and now the patent record is online. this is where i found what i needed. with a little additional research. in less than 6 weeks i was healthier than i have ever been in my life, and i haven't had a cold or flu since, and it fixed a few things besides. i've got nothing to sell, and i am not giving medical advice, but if you want it, here it is. i added a modified alkaline diet tailored to me.
Thank you for sharing! I will look at it. I am into combining the best of the medical world and also good diet, and healthy life-style.
if you have any questions i can shed light on, do ask. please.
my heart goes out to you and your family.
my aunt just went in 2 days ago for surgery after chemo didn't work. the removal was successful the doctors said.
I get angry when I think about the fact that people are more interested in finding ways to cure cancer instead of trying to stop it from happening in the first place. The numbers of people getting cancer in the last 60+ years is sky rocketing up. This is not something that was a regular 100 years ago. im sure people will try to step in and say people live longer now and that is why we have more cancer, I call bullshit. The numbers of young people getting cancer (35 and under) is growing like crazy too.
Everything causes cancer now days even the air.
Hope the hospital visit your family is going to goes well, if I was religious I would pray for you and your family tonight.
Thank you for the positive thoughts, and it is true, it seemed for a while we were winning against Cancer, but it has gone wild now!
Yes, I love that we should focus on really understanding cancer so we can focus on prevention.
I really don't know where to start with what Im going to say. But the truth about cancer has been known for many decades and people have tragically not concerned themselves with it's history, AS TOLD BY HUMANITY, and not corporations. As a younger version of myself, I too once had the attitude about where its just an "oh well" kind of deal. But in reality, 95% of cancers are not just treatable, but curable. FDA has it restricted to use the term "cure" from anything not a patented product.
Once a man of talk, I became a man of action. I have found that really, most anyone can understand cancer much more than a seasoned doctor and be able to addres this issue for themselves or their loved ones. B ut its not so easy. People want to be lied to, even if it means they die. I have lent my understanding of cancer and other disease to a good many people over the years and have had a 98% success rate. The only people who died of cancer while entertaining my advocations of focus, were simple so scared they simply cannot trust anyone but a doctor. Little do they know, doctors cannot practice medicine outside of the protocols they are bound to, even if it means utilizing a 10 - 50 year old outdated method. It makes me want to cry.
I must expect that you too, through your suffering, cannot look at someone like me and be taken seriously. But I will promise you one thing. YOU, are capable of CURING the cancer in your person of interest, and not your doctor. Cancer cannot be removed directly. The entire body is afflicted with a severe metabolic disruption. Now take a very big but simple guess as to what allows for a proper functioning metabolic system hmm? Hint, NOT DRUGS, NOT SURGERY. Please man, I have had family member die of cancer too. Start learning the truth yourself. Look up Dr Kelley , cancer. And the latest edition of "metabolic typing". this is not my ultimate recommendation, but for helping less familiar people understand cancer, this is a great start and approach.
I wish I could walk you through everything 100% but like I said. People do not want the truth and it crushes my soul to see this. And hopefully you also discover who and what has greatly contributed to the massive artificially induced cancer epidemic in America, and other parts of the world. Its not fun stuff but you have my best wishes.
I do not rule out much and am interested in the various positions, treatments, personal stories, etc.
If I found out tomorrow I really don't know what I would do standard medicine, or alternative. I think about it from time to time and I am happy I do not have to cross that bridge.
Yes, you have the right spirit. There is allot of self discipline needed when tackling this issue because there is allot of information that people encounter and it can be overwhelming at times. Especially when you are personally dealing with this situation in some way. But remember this for now. Its not so much about intelligence or being smart. Its more-so a matter of developing a deductive reasoning process to identify what is relevant to the particulars that you discover, which is also a deductive reasoning process.
For example, I will elaborate briefly on how I've personally assisted another individual in the healing of a mild skin cancer. Most all cancers have a singular way to approach treatment on the most fundamental level. This, being to fortify and restore as much of the overall metabolic function of the body as possible, and to do so naturally with substances and foods that contribute to the energy requirements of a cell. Skin is a very resilient organ and so treating a cancerous state tends to be easier and with faster results. Maintaining discipline is also easier as a result. Example substances for some types of skin cancer I have seen be effective consist of lots of clean water such as distilled, RO, and spring. BUT, these waters are best to add a full spectrum of trace minerals to for proper hydration to occur. Hydration must be the #1 factor to maintain in addressing ANY illness, period. You must learn the best ways to stay hydrated. When you are dehydrated, which 90% of people are and are not aware of, electrical potential gradients inside and outside of cells becomes disrupted or less prominent. The intake of the proper water preparation are most effective on an empty stomach, especially upon waking. And to never drink excessively during meals. Just a few sips. your body will actually adjust to not leave you with the craving to drink during meals once you allow your body to adjust to a properly hydrated state. Think about it. If you have the urge to eat and drink at the same time, generally it is a body signal you are responding to, and maybe not so much that you simply prefer to eat and drink.
Proper hydration with sufficient mineral intake allows food to digest more, which allows more nutrient flow through the body along with higher and faster rates of toxin and foreign substance elimination. Supporting your body's natural ability to detox is very important. I could write pages on this but I have to keep it short for now.
So continuing with using skin cancer for an example, one would also want to consider certain externally applied substances such as CBD rich materials. CBD containing substances have become the talk of the town lately so I wont bother unloading about this issue here, but do some research on CBD and find an affordable, high potency source of it. and no, I'm not talking about THC, although THC is a type of CBD. But why CBD? It seems I'm just blurting it out because I read it off the internet. Nah... not so fast. Your cells have receptors for CBD and your body even makes it in small amounts. Its not a one size fits all answer, but it is one of those things, along with water, that you can make a primary pillar of addressing most disease states such as cancer.
Deductive reasoning and discipline. The body is designed to be self healing. Ask yourself why too many doctors advise patients to take shortcuts instead of directly addressing the disorder from the molecular level on up? When you cut cancer from your body by force, it actually sends all kinds of bad signals and can increase your risk of cancer in the future, or make a current cancer affliction accelerate. the body is very interconnected. When you are exposed to a typical pathogen in daily living, your body can have antibodies made so fast that they are in your urine within 15 minutes!
All cancer cells also resemble a placenta cell. So much so that it is safe to say that without cancer, there can be no life. So the problem with most cancers is a metabolic disruption. Restore cellular balance through providing the body the materials it is programmed for and requires, and be amazed at what happens and what doesn't happen. These required materials need an entrance correct? Sure some things absorb through the mouth's various capillary veins right? But absorption site #2(the small intestines) is the big cheese. And if there is significant intestinal function decline, cancer is almost always an inevitable result. A dirty colon = decreased absorption of nutrients + an increase in absorbed toxins from ingested substances due to a reaction in the intestinal villi being choked out from not keeping your guts clean, the villi enlarge as a survival response which unfortunately allows larger particles to enter the blood stream and accumulate into tissue, causing disruption and damage.
Basically, everything in the body is interconnected. Learn of this aspect and act under the laws of an observed interconnected system and things tend to work properly. At least for long enough... But when there is not much time, finding a trustworthy teacher is valuable.
I think you are capable of trying some things and seeing results within days to weeks. I will leave you with this one fact to hopefully excite you.
In the US in the 90's, the medical system had a report funded to see if natural homeopathic medicines were more effective, or or synthetic pharmaceutical substances were more effective. Guess what was found out? Natural homeopathic medicines(aka food, herbs, extracts, etc), were 90% effective in treating and curing various illness and disease. Synthetic allopathic pharma medicine was barely 10% effective. This report was called "The Flexner Report". It was brushed aside as rubbish in an act of grotesque error which has resulted in the death of millions. But some have not been fooled and those who have not been fooled are reaping the benefits of better living. Just think about what this event has done to out cultural expectations of health. Tears man.... big tears for.
What is there to lose by munching on a few things that your body is programmed for?
Oh yea, the medical industry also funded another study to see if chemo and radiation therapy was effective. It found that you are better off not taking chemo or radiation. That live expectancy was higher for cancer patients who did not go through these therapies. Its over dude. We have been duped. I don't need to point out any conspiracies. It is clear as day that the best solution is to realize that we all have much more power to understand ourselves and how we work, better than a robotic protocol driven ineffective system. The system has a place, no doubt. But do not mistake it's place for your place at the appropriate times.
Don't lose hope. You can be the light at the end of the tunnel not just for yourself, but for others. I can write you more stuff but this reply is more like an indoc session of understanding the importance of excitement under the laws of nature. This usually is how we all find our way in or our of just everything.
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