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RE: The Dirty Four Letter Word No One Likes to Talk About: DEBT

in #debt6 years ago

I'm a financial adviser and a medical intern. I can relate and agree to what you said about debt. Being a financial adviser (after receiving some training on financial planning) it opened my eyes on how ignorant I was about the flow of money. And how ignorant most people are until they accumulate debt. It's good to see meaningful posts about financial responsibility because the sooner people are aware and observe the principles behind, the sooner they get away from being debt's bitch.

As a medical intern on training in a hospital that confines several medical cases, I have seen countless times how health issues cause severe financial constraints in the family. People with no health insurance and no emergency funds. It's really sad to see these people take so long to receive deserved health care due to financial set backs (something to do with how my country also takes care of its health systems). But most of the burden comes from poorly managed emergency funds. Congratulations on the curie upvote :D


Great point. The number one reason people go into debt is because of medical issues. Insurance is so important. I firmly believe poor health or outrageous medical expenses are why we see so many older Americans working in their sixties.

"The number one reason people go into debt is because of medical issues." This is poor allocation of finances for the wrong medical treatments. Don't get me started on herbal supplements, after reading more about both sides of the story, I came into the conclusion that a lot of the medical expenses people get just to improve their health can do more harm than good with all the health scare involved. I'd say not coming to the clinic early already engenders more hospital bills. But that's a lengthy backstory not worth tackling right now :P