The more one thinks about it the more it becomes blatantly obvious that the central bank model was created to rip us all off in plain view without anyone noticing it. Just think about it for a second, Mario Draghi has been printing off billions of euros (which are just pieces of paper) and lending them to the Greek government. Everything seemed stable although quite bizarre. One could even think that the entire thing could go on forever, however lately the Troika has been asking for collateral such as land, infrastructure or gold that the Greek government has to pledge as a guarantee on these loans and there is where the entire purpose of this scheme comes to light: the ECB just prints off paper and exchange it for hard assets (real assets). At least to me, this swindle is so obvious that I would suggest the Greek government purchase a printing press and paper for printing money and start to print off billions of euros to pay back their debt to the Troika. After all if they owe paper, they should pay back with paper, not with hard assets. And please do not say that it would be counterfeit money because all paper money is counterfeit in all fairness, regardless of the issuer.