
Maybe try out Eco - Global Survival also Rust is a pretty fun game!

I was hooked on Eve Online, very cool space adventure game. It takes about a months to the hang of things, it's very team based. Has tons of things that cover every type of gaming, from stock markets, PVP killing, construction resource gathering, politics with real people and in game character. It's also been mentioned in wall street journal.

AND can now use BTC . Worth a try, I was hooked for years. The reason I stopped is I am in China and I used north american server and needed to use a VPN for the coms with my teammates which caused some lag and they enjoyment went when I couldn't keep up in the pvp battles, so I became a pve (player vs eve) which wasn;t as exciting after i'd ranked up for years to be pvp. Still got my old character and probably a few thousand dollars US in SP and equipment and a bunch of stuff you'd need to play to understand. lol

Give it a try, i love that game still dream about it. haha