Anarchism and Privatization Serve Justice

When one tosses around the term anarchy, our minds begin to ponder; unfortunately, the many tired out vendettas accompanying anarchy prevail distracting those from mentally grasping the term and its meaning. Aside from just anarchy, other focus points of this article are decentralization, privatization, and statism. I find these terms foreign to most no matter the context it is being used. So lets talk about it all!
Putting it simply and rather straight forward, anarchy is the absence of government and the absolute freedom of the individual regarding what is politically ideal. Statism is our current situation, a phrase coined by Samuel Edward Konkin III, which is consistently the cause of political and societal dismay. Lastly, decentralization and privatization… These coincide almost seamlessly as one is basically formed from the occurrence of the other. If we start with decentralization ( breaking everything up from its centralized monopolistic power hub) other more viable options thus become presented. These options are presented through privatization, it is the only way to ensure that YOU the beneficiary are going to be given the best option! Collectively, all of these terms and ideas relate directly to my quantifiable example of what is produced per their implementation.

The example includes two friends of mine who are also mutual friends with each other. They were more than willing to have me share! Their names are Ivonne and Tyler, both of which live and work locally in our hometown. Recently, while Ivonne was at work, amidst serving tables, keeping up with drink orders and several other tasks, she left her phone respectfully close to her person, not physically with her but you get the gist. 

A man entered the restaurant asking several questions and not wanting to be seated at a table. He then proceeded to seat himself at the bar/ used the restroom. Within that time frame of his dodiling and Ivonne’s minuscule distraction by orders and such, her phone was then stolen by this man! I know, you know, we all know this happens… it happens more than frequently, it happens to someone daily; however, that is not exactly the point. 

Now, lets check out the response to the situation. When Ivonne realized that her phone has been stolen she immediately called the police ( what we know as the programmed response ). After a lengthy response rate, not saying that a stolen cell phone is critical matter by any means, she was able to meet with the police; she showed them the footage depicting the perpetrator; lastly she then filed a report with the police. After doing so, their response was that they were “ too busy” to begin searching for the thief, and that they would “definitely” get around to working to finding the perp and/or phone. Following that statement- here is where it gets good- they said that they actually believed they passed the man when out on patrol! What is lacking? Incentive! Even with our encouraging tax dollars, law enforcement does not satisfactorily perform their jobs; jobs that are allegedly designated for our service… 

This is where the “magic” and real action happen. I mentioned Tyler, a mutual friend of Ivonne and myself, he is the holy grail of this article. Tyler was prompted by actual incentive, that being, actual humanity and compassion for people, nonetheless for a great friend. In a time frame window of ten hours he was able to track/contact the thief, negotiate/ confront the thief, and retrieve the phone back. This is the implementation of  free-market anarchism, privatization, decentralization, and the best of all THE PURGING OF STATISM!! If we take this scenario into a different context where Ivonne is searching for a security business to handle the matter of her stolen phone. She sees that Tyler is advertising his security business, and the services that it offers. He’s hired, her property is returned to her, and each party directly receives their avails. Ivonne now has her phone again and tyler would receive whatever form of payment directly, benefiting his business. 

That is the evidence, the evidence that proves that their is a quantifiable example of the drastic improving difference by ditching statism and centralized authorities/business while implementing privatization and free-market anarchism. If tyler has not stepped in offering his services, Ivonne’s phone (property) would have been sold on the black market as the phone was returned in that state, all ready to go! If state provided “law enforcement” would have been left to  handle the situation, the outcome would have been nothing less than FAILURE. Side note, this article is not just talking shit on police, rather talking shit on the whole system. This article is meant to show and offer very feasible alternative solutions. Solutions that will bring about the most beneficial circumstance through logically efficient processes! 

Thanks to everyone that reads! This is a subject I am very passionate about!!
If you’re interested check out the text I used as a reference, how can you go wrong with Konkin! (: