I see a small group of people giving crypto a bad name. The thing with decentralization is we make out own rules we monitor things ourselves. It does not mean scam the shit out of as many idiots as you can and expect to not have anyone be able to retaliate or not be held accountable for your own actions. In the free market you have to be honest and a community member you CANNOT get away with shit that you would normally be able to get away with in a capatalist system. If you're good or service is being falsely advertised you are not helping the market if your supposed goal is to get it widely accepted, in fact you are hurting it. This is the key reason why society has so many rules and regulations, One dumbass always ruins it for the rest of us. In life there are no shortcuts dont buy someones book explaining to you it is. Some people are really good at manipulating people into doing things...They cannot work a real job, they use peoples emotions to get what they want. Dont enable these people if you think they do not do the world good. Only you can do something. If there is one thing I have realized from my work in retail and as a chef. The customer is always right. Dont get sold some bullshit and dont let them tell you if it is or it isnt...You be the judge.
Another thing before I stop writing. Seems to me if somebody wants your BTC and they are willing to steal it from you. Its worth something. People dont steal if theres nothing of value there..unless they are just a klepto and addicted to stealing which I doubt is the case here.

The world we know is a competitive place. People who believes they were created to win, will do everything possible or illegal to win, even if it means bringing people down on there way up, forgetting at d back of there that those same people they pull down will definitely rise higher than them one day and toss with them wherever they like..
I'm a bit confused on what you mean by not being able to get away with certain things in "the free market that you normally could in a capitalist system". The free market IS a capitalist system. The problem with today's view of "capitalism" is that people equate what we currently have as capitalism when in reality what we have is corporatism also known as crony capitalism. It's where large companies basically buy politicians votes through lobbying in order to have regulations passed in order to harm their competition.
Outside of that I agree with you 100%. True capitalism really only works if people actually have some form of moral compass and treat each other with compassion and fairness. It's too bad we don't see that today. Blockchain technology I think has given us a second chance to fix our economic errors and keep it right this time. I certainly am hoping that is the case.
You are right but I guess that is what I was trying to say. Crony capitalism should not be taken as how a free market should be "ran". Private owners having a monopoly on markets and preventing free competition thats borderline socialism.
Yeah I gotcha. Was a good post all in all.
I will support you,upvoted
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