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RE: The Dominoes are Falling

in #decentralization5 years ago

The closest thing I remember was back in 1970 when I was about 9 years old and Kent State happened. Mom was back in school (SUNY Oswego, not Kent State) at the time and she said that the government is shooting students dead. I remember the 60's well enough, but this is significantly worse. Yes there was a pandemic (the Hong Kong flu), but we weren't locked down.

The primary reason for lockdown is the baked in the cake financial collapse that has been inevitable since 2008 (for which bitcoin was the answer to). Multiple agendas seek to capitalize on the instability such as ID2020, depop, etc. Protest this time on the streets is more likely to result in civil war. It's more effective to stop accepting payment in national fiat which will then de-fund corrupt agencies and send the parasites packing, but probably not before significantly more violence. Stay safe. Stay armed...


Stay armed indeed! More important now than ever.