Almost 2k Wins Special , Deck Reveal Deception

in #deception5 years ago (edited)

I will be reaching to 2k wins this week after almost 2 months and I decided to do another deck reveal and a playstyle guide against certain matchups to celebrate almost 2k wins !. After the some big nerfs to certain deck types and hero powers , I lost my interest to play Delve mage or anything rune related , thats why with the help of a friend I started to train Deception because it seems like one of the best well-tuned tournament level decks in the game right now with the Blitz warrior. I will share the deck I played on stream yesterday and we will talk about how to mulligan and how to pull off some win conditions.


Eventhough we lost 3-4 matches due to client freezes its still a sick win ratio , I wasn't expecting this kind of performance with this deck to be honest , but it works pretty fine against most of the decks and it has more pressure then mill and lock Deception types.

Win Strat and How to Play

So this is a really minion heavy deck , that depends on the pressure created by invisible creatures and value spells like Cutthroat, Mugging , Hunting Trap and Umber Arrow , the playstyle is pretty similar with most of the Deception Decks create early pressure with strong minions do value trades with your spells or hero power and try to get card adventure if you manage to deal decent amount of damage in the first 5 rounds the pressure created by invisible minions becomes insane , because most of the time we don't have any issue passing the frontline creatures.


Obviously if you are starting first what you want to keep your hand is 2 1 mana drops like Tomb Torchbearer and Switch Duelist and after you play 2 of these to the board you need a 2 drop to keep the pressure and focus on board control and dealing damage don't hesitate to get value from your hero power instead of using a lot of cards that will provide you card advantage.

If you are playing second you should really look for these spells because that will provide you control in most of the minion based matchups and will give you ability to gain back control of the board with a potential power swing.

Some matchups

This deck is extremely good against zoo type of decks because of the amount of minions and cheap clear spells , You will probably win 80 percent of your zoo matchups , however there are huge downsides to this deck since you don't run your Slip Blade you always need to think about the potential big minion threats after turn 6 , also you have ability to really annoy your opponents with Cutthroat Insight and Double Dealers , there are better variatons of the deception obviously but I just wanted to share this one after I got decent experience with this one , don't forget this deck is super annoying and sneaky and you need to leverage your invisible cards , try to play around any form of AoE and do value trades.

Feel free to ask any kind of question about gameplay and theorycrafting on Discord , because I really love card games :D


Thanks for share that build!

just trying few stuff man

Nice writeup, I think especially in an Onslaught-dominated meta, Deception Hidden becomes more powerful. Glad to see Shade Walker and Master of Surprises getting more love again!

Yeah its really easy to create pressure against onslaught with this one and people don't expect so much hidden pressure and use their carnage sweep quite easy and with early minion pressure we pretty much destroy that 1-5 weapon pretty easily.