Welcome to The Decline in Real Time, where I break down some of the major stories of the week. The biggest story of the week was the Las Vegas shooting, so I provide some of the hottest takes™ from the media about it, along with news that the UK is planning 15 year prison sentences for people that view "far-right propaganda" online, that, in France, sex with a minor isn't necessarily rape, and that the EU doesn't approve of Catalan self-determination.
Articles and sources: https://taylorduanesays.wordpress.com/2017/10/06/las-vegas-shooting-migrant-attacks-and-eu-blocks-catalan-independence-the-decline-in-real-time/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTKSBE_Hyo8ry3po6SL2Nig?sub_confirmation=1
Website: https://taylorduanesays.wordpress.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TaylorDuaneSays
Vidme: https://vid.me/TaylorDuane
Minds: https://www.minds.com/TaylorDuane
All opinions are my own, but they are open to constant revision. If you know or think I'm wrong, please correct me.
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