dClinic: A Blockchain Powered Comprehensive Healthcare Ecosystem

in #declinic6 years ago

The worldwide blockchain in the healthcare market is anticipated to develop at a yearly rate of 63.8% and attain a worth of $5.61 billion by the year 2025. Using blockchain for the management and exchange of healthcare data will contribute drastically to the market share during the forecast phase, attaining a worth of $1.89 billion by the year 2025. Majority of the healthcare technology systems begin a patient’s healthcare journey from a one-on-one visit to the doctor or a hospital where the patient is registered into their local clinical system, such as an EMR (Electronic Medical Record), PAS (Patient Registration System) or GP (General Practice) System. The reality is that patients are consumers, and their healthcare journey often involves numerous people and services, who are incapable of contributing to the healthcare service delivery process efficiently because the processes of healthcare service delivery are broken and disjointed.
In truth, it is turning out to be more acknowledged that wellness and vitality services can also play a major role in patient’s healthcare outcomes. Nevertheless, in the present conventional healthcare systems, organizations, individuals and service provider’s work in silos with scrappy data around a single patient gotten from communications compounded by one-on-one encounters between patients and their care providers. Internationally, we require a one-stop platform where rather than making use of data silos, a patient’s information is collected, shared and utilized with a consortium of doctors and service providers. A complete history and journey of the patient’s Electronic Health Records (EHR) could assist in bridging the gap that exists in the healthcare sector while providing enticements for everyone to strive towards making care-giving more lucrative.
Solution Overview
The introduction of blockchain in healthcare will assist in connecting people, care providers and anyone who is part of the care-giving process effortlessly and in real-time. KYC and Secure Messaging will ensure security and transparency of communications. The services availed, medical routine and essential body stats would be stored as protected data points on Blockchain that can’t be messed with. With the incorporation of blockchain in Shared Care Planning (dClinic’s platform), which will allow all care providers, including the patients themselves, to contribute, follow and update their healthcare progress, making the healthcare delivery system much more efficient and rewarding. We are optimistic that the industry will witness a shift in concept from different data chunks of health records to a single decentralized ledger that can be shared (dClinic EHR or dEHR). A Shared Care platform will aid cross-sharing of recorded history of a patient’s health for devising a meaningful longitudinal healthcare plan. dClinic’s position as a one stop platform can bring the much needed change in the healthcare sector. dClinic aims to demonstrate this in emerging markets in partnership with local providers and government bodies.
dClinic is going to be a game-changer for the healthcare industry because:
 dClinic’s Health Coins have value which means the consumer can assist in driving this dClinic Healthcare value proposition and be rewarded by engaging with dClinic.
 dClinic puts the consumer at the centre of their healthcare by driving all transactions via their Shared Care Plan.
 dClinic empowers the clinicians and care team members by giving them access to the correct consumer data.
 Consumers can significantly interact with their Care Plans because the Care Plans are represented in consumer friendly terms and (non-clinical) language.
 Contributors to the Shared Care Plan will include consumers, clinicians, care givers and family members. Contributors to the consumer’s care plan will get financial and healthcare rewards. The Care Plan will be inclusive only to traditional clinical system data. Wellness and Vitality will also play a key role in a consumer’s Care Plan.
 dClinic will drive this model of care by owning the clinics and hospitals that will holistically execute the dClinic platform.
 dClinic’s platform will be interoperable with as many devices as possible to truly enable the consumer and clinician to interact with the consumer’s Care Plan. All dClinic token owners, including those who subscribe to our Token Sale, will automatically be registered as part of the dClinic Loyalty and Rewards program.
dClinic overcomes the following current inhibitors in the Healthcare Industry:
 Majority of the EMR (Electronic Medical Record) systems are data silos, often not easy to integrate with. dClinic’s interoperability through Blockchain surmounts this main barrier to assist care team members.
 Most hospital and clinical systems follow a one-to-one system. dClinic opens the healthcare service interactions to a care team, putting the patient at the centre of their treatment.
 Most clinical systems only offer minimal patient feedback, if any. dClinic supports this feedback loop, and permits the patient to share their data so other care team members can contribute to their healthcare outcomes. And for care team members who don’t have clinical portals, dClinic allows sharing within the Care Team through any Internet browser.
 In fact, dClinic will also provide secure APIs (FHIR) to allow others to contribute to a Shared Care Plan.
 Where most clinical systems start with a Patient Administration System (PAS), dClinic’s focus is the Care Plan, where data is securely stored in the dClinic blockchain.
 Patient reward is not always among the present clinical systems. Rewards for participation and adherence to Care Plans are a core component of focus for dClinic.
For this insurgency to commence, dClinic will empower its own facilities and based on the consumer engagement, we will also empower other non-dClinic facilities. As a consumer or care team member, I accumulate dClinic Health Care coins which I can use for other dClinic services such as:
 Premium access (shorter waiting times) to see worldwide dClinic practitioners.
 Access to additional wellness and vitality services.
 Access to premium one-on-one Telemedicine consultations.
 dClinic Loyalty program services items.
 dClinic upgrades such as premium rooms at worldwide dClinics.
 Benefits, such as cost savings, at diagnostics labs and pharmacies owned and/or authorized by dClinic (i.e. using the dClinic platform).
Why Does dClinic Need Blockchain?
The outcome of healthcare is supported by dClinic Blockchain. Not only does Blockchain allow the consumer’s health data (in the form of Care Plans) to be secure, and for the consumer to be in cooperation with their care team, but it also allows this data to get to the relevant parties, which can provide benefits such as:
 Each contributor (care team member) can offer proper and targeted healthcare, wellness and vitality services not considering their location.
 Accurate evaluations and recommendations can be made by Team members based on the information of the consumer’s allergies, Care Plan tasks, social issues, Drugs and Alcohol dependencies, medications and ailments (such as diabetes, chronic disease, etc).
 Care Team members (existing and new) making value decisions in a case where the consumer is incapable of responding, such as being in a coma.
 Costs and delays are reduced through interoperability with Emergency, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Radiology and Pathology to provide instantaneous patient-centred diagnosis.
 Protective focused healthcare outcomes. dClinic’s blockchain make all these tools patient-centred and focused on positive health outcomes. dClinic’s blockchain allows access to relevant and accurate patient data regardless of geography, and allows healthcare professionals to communicate efficiently, therefore, benefiting the patient.
 The ability to recommend a balanced diet, daily physical exercise, balanced mental health by awareness exercise, balanced work and family life can play an important role in avoiding stress.

dClinic Platform Architecture
The platform is constructed from scratch for it to be modular so that more functionalities can be incorporated into the platform as they are developed without disturbing the present ecosystem. It is also optimized for a simple rollout at the individual and enterprise levels which will make it ideal for use in big, well-established institutions as well as small, independent clinics. dClinic is presently increasing its two core applications to work with the platform; a Care Team-to-Patient telemedicine application and blockchain driven Shared Care Planning application (BC-ShCP). The telemedicine application will allow users to check with their Care Team remotely (for example, on their phone) for a small, possibly even refundable, fee. dClinic’s Platform will comprise of :
dClinic Data eXchange Layer: This uses the most recent healthcare data technologies such as openEHR data archetypes, FHIR2 APIs and AI (dClinic Artificial Intelligence engine) and integrates these onto a blockchain-powered data governance protocol that enables secure cross-communication and interoperability of all platform functionalities in real-time.
dClinic Blockchain APIs: A variety of APIs like Contracts, Certificates, Chain Code registry APIs will be uncovered. Smart contracts on blockchain will oversee transactions between different parties.
dClinic Datalake: Datalake makes representing dClinic exceptional. Datalake will symbolize an enterprise solution that holds all the data from all the parties involved and shall be used for analytics purposes.
dClinic App Store (DAS): DAS opens up the whole platform to the world so as to enlarge and evolve dClinic platform with new features and possibilities.
dClinic Dashboards: A provider dashboard to recover and bring up to date a patient’s healthcare, social and family history, stored on an open EHR4 layer and use it to build up efficient care plans. This dashboard also enables care members to create and update care plans in the form of daily tasks, track progress, access current medical records and refer any patient’s records to another provider in real-time.
Platform Intelligence: Machine learning, Natural language processing, Artificial intelligence to improve healthcare models. NLP provide for people of any age to interact with the system and suggest assistance to patients based on their precise needs.
Analytical Engine: Data Analytics plays a vital role to comprehend patient behaviours. Analytics APIs will be exposed to developers in a controlled environment for building apps that solve specific problems

dClinic Reward System: This creates motivation for the adherence of patients to their care plans and rewards care providers by means of a blockchain-powered eReferral (Electronic Referral) program.
dClinic Feedback System: This is to keep an eye on the quality of services offered by institutions, clinics, doctors, and clinicians using PROMs and PREMs (Patient Reported Outcome and Experience Measures).
dClinic Milestones Till Date
During its entrepreneurial journey, dClinic has already achieved significant milestones towards building an integrated blockchain driven shared care platform. For example:
 We have a dClinic platform V1.0 with confirmed abilities and implementations to carry out the next part of development. This platform is all set for Blockchain integration.
 With our carefully chosen inaugural partner, Vital Life Management in Indonesia, we have successfully entered into agreements for seven of our projects (which include five vitality clinics and two hospitals) along with several large-scale clinical trials.
 Some of the most famous advisors across various fields have already joined dClinic
 We have commenced the delivery of health care and vitality services across some clinical trial projects in Australia, some of which are in association with the VLM team.
 To execute and support dClinic we have discussed a contract for establishing an office in Indonesia and dClinic will also own the office asset.
Role of Vital Life Management (VLM)
The founder of dClinic, Dr. Richard Satur and Dr. Robby Thoeng from Vital Life Management, have accepted to be associated as lasting strategic partners with the sole purpose of establishing outstanding health and vitality services across Indonesia. Both organizations are completely dedicated to develop further and implement a sophisticated “digital healthcare platform”, based on the dClinic vision, for the provision of healthcare coupled with wellness services. Vital Life Management has done a wide research and planning on seven initial high main concern projects in Jakarta and Bali, and these projects are ready to start. The synergy between Vital Life Management and dClinic, therefore, creates a hopeful partnership. VLM is therefore, our key:
 Partner in helping with the purchase and construction/refurbishment of 7 Indonesian clinics and hospitals.
 It is already operating in Indonesian Vitality clinics and hospitals, which will also be supported by the dClinic platform.
 Partner in supplying of healthcare, wellness and vitality experts in Indonesia. VLM has established a network of specialist doctors with existing clientele.
 For maintaining Indonesian health department standards.
 Providing assistance to us in customising and configuring dClinic for the Indonesian market.
Key Advantages of Partnering with VLM
The partnership will open a number of opportunities for both dClinic and VLM in the healthcare sector.
 dClinic will own 5 Vitality Centres and 2 Hospitals in Indonesia with a chance of two more facilities which will be leased. dClinic will also receive a percentage of net profit from each of these Vitality Clinics and Hospitals.
 Each clinic and hospital will buy the license to implement the dClinic platform in their ecosystem, thus contributing to the revenue model.
 Implementation of dClinic’s services in Indonesia and the Asia Pacific will be supported by a development and support team headquartered in Bali.
 dClinic and VLM are both working with a focus on emerging markets in developing countries where they can make a real difference in health outcomes and work towards improving people’s health and wellbeing.
 At the heart of this development is a superior digital health platform, functioning at the cutting edge of interoperability to provide longitudinal care across digital health clinics. The services being delivered by these clinics are focused around patient-centred care model.
 Both VLM and dClinic are at a similar stage in their evolution and have been through many years of extensive R&D and market testing of concepts. These are not start-ups but well developed and properly funded businesses, and as such, the synergies between both businesses are impressive.
 Neither business venture is reliant on government funding or complicated decision making. They are pure private enterprises allowing innovation and best practices to guide their expansion.
Role of BlockChain
dClinic Blockchain Highlights include;
 Access to a safe universal consumer EHR (Electronic Health Record).
 Smart contracts, when patient and provider agree on tasks and activities to create a care plan.
 Engage consumers in their healthcare outcomes through a rewards-based system.
 Reward care team members and providers through a blockchain-enabled eReferral system.
 Loyalty dClinic programs by means of “dClinic Health Coins” (as DHC Tokens) attach better value for the consumers.
dClinic makes the most of and embraces interoperability for it to benefit the patient and breaks down data access obstacle. A current ONC report details various examples of data exploitation that obstructs the patient’s access, including health IT developers hindering the flow of data by demanding ridiculous prices for data exchange interfaces. Every interaction with their medical data is auditable, transparent and protected and will also be recorded as a transaction on dClinic Blockchain’s distributed ledger.
The dClinic Platform
Smart contracts which is on dClinic’s Blockchain Platform (dBC) sustains the dClinic Exchange Protocol. dBC applies safe handling of Healthcare Data on its blockchain, which enable it to run customizable code securely on a decentralized network. dClinic makes use of this by recovering health information from compatible longitudinal EHRs using FHIR APIs and storing EHR Index on a blockchain layer.

This decentralized EHR index is then used by care providers to access, share and update patients’ healthcare data via the provider dashboard from anywhere in the world. Transactions in the blocks will contain an EHR index, an encrypted link to the health record stored in the dEHR platform and a timestamp for when the transaction was created. Patients can build a holistic record of their medical data and sanction others for viewership, such as physicians providing a second view as Electronic Referral.
New Token Sale
dClinic will offer dClinic Health Coin (DHC) token so as to realise the idea of a worldwide BC-Shared Care Planning ecosystem. DHC is designed for use on the platform and will be exchanged to avail healthcare services provided across numerous care providers, purchase care products in the marketplace and stimulate the rewards system. In doing so, dClinic aims to imitate a real-world IPO as closely as possible. The purpose of this project is to go public in the long run. The only major differentiator is that it will be traded on a cryptocurrency exchange rather than a stock exchange.

Terms of the DHC Token Smart Contract
The DHC Smart Contract forms an vital part of the dClinic Healthcare Platform. The rules, computations and functionalities regulated by the Smart Contract are as follows:
KYC: Investors who want to buy DHC tokens will have to meet certain KYC standards to be qualified to buy coins in the business. Their identity and documents confirmation will be overseen by the Smart Contract, ensuring legality while maintaining ease-of-use.
Wallet: DHC that has been bought will be stored automatically in the dClinic wallet, which will make it easy for investors to hold and trade it.
DHC Token Distribution
 The overall number of tokens issued will be 5 billion, out of which 2.5 billion will be set aside for the reward mechanism on the platform.
 At the start of the token sale, the DHC token will be obtainable at a price of 0.10 USD.
 dClinic intends to cross a soft cap of 20 million USD in the token sale, and a hard cap of 50 million USD.
 For investors who are early in the presale stage, dClinic will award an extra 10% bonus.
 dClinic will deposit all funds in a cold wallet for utmost security, allowing contributors to receive their tokens within 2 weeks after the closing date of the token sale.
 The remaining DHC tokens shall be divided amongst the Team (15%), Advisors (5%) and legal support (5%).

With the given token economics model, dClinic will be able to build a sustainable economic strategy for revolutionizing the healthcare sector. Half of the funds raised via the token sale shall be diverted towards building the platform, and the rest shall be utilized for business development, marketing and auditing procedures.

So how are we sure our strategy and platform will deliver healthcare services safely, effectively, properly and accurately to consumers? dClinic’s answer is to innovate perpetually by associating with world class partners for the delivery of healthcare services. Our team has many years of experience in the healthcare sector and it is apparent from our abundant universal implementations that the patient should be at the centre of their care. Our theory is that by making the Shared Care Plan the major consumer and clinician portal for accessing a consumer’s clinical and non-clinical data, dClinic will significantly help the healthcare sector by supplying the Care Team precise and real-time data that holistically relates to the patient, therefore driving better healthcare outcomes.
To be victorious, dClinic and VLM require the “best-suited team” and Subject Matter Experts. dClinic also has a brilliant Executive Team that will operate in tandem with VLM to make the right technology platform available. Both companies consist of highly talented leaders in Healthcare Service Delivery and Digital Health systems development. Collectively, they have implemented many other projects, and both have “a real passion for being successful, putting the patient at the centre of their care”. dClinic’s platform strength is its ability to integrate. Interoperability is our mantra and we aspire to integrate with all clinical and consumer-based systems. Our platform is going to be a blockchain-assisted healthcare data capturing, management and exchange framework that allows care providers the means to develop and track the progress of a patient’s care plan.
More Information Visit The dCLINIC Link:

Published by Delightme

ETH: 0x145d630dE9593a0CA2bB7766e8ED32ff84a89226 Website : https://dclinic.io/ Whitepaper : https://dclinic.io/assets/doc/dClinic–whitepaper–new.pdf ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4904556 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/dClinic.io/ Telegram : https://t.me/dclinic_io Twitter : https://twitter.com/dClinic_io Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1860734


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