Day 20 - 100 days of value challenge!
Last day (for now) of "look at these awesome people!". There was a lot to take from, and I still have quite the list of people 😂
But the last day for interesting and special people has to go to my number one role model and inspiration. The strongest and kindest woman in the whole wide world. My mom of course.
Where to begin? I guess she knows herself many of the reasons I love her so much and respect her immensely, but I'll try to sum them up.
She's been through stuff, and had a hard time. But she's never taken any of that stuff out on her kids. Her life hasn't always been easy, but she's fought like a champ.
Career-wise, from working at a factory floor to getting back-injuries and then going to business school as a single mom with two children and several jobs to pay the bills is impressive. Moving up the ranks and as of this year being a leader is also impressive. Doing it all while always maintaining integrity, working hard and being nice to everyone? Impressive again.
Not to mention that we can't hide the fact that I wasn't always the easiest kid to raise. Looking back to my youth, I'm so grateful that she always had my back no matter what. And she still does. Through everything, she's never for one second lost faith in me, and I do my best to prove her right.
Now she's my best friend, my career advisor, my hobby-psychiatrist and my number one cheerleader.
Thanks for teaching me your values, and the importance of caring, respect and honest work. It'll follow me forever and I'll do my best to teach my future mini-Robins the same.
Life pro tip of the day: Call your mom, dad, aunt, granny, best friend or whoever it is that always believed in you and thank them. They're probably the main reason you believe in yourself.
PS: For some days I'm going to go back to posting random stuff, before I have another topic/theme to post from. Let me know if there's anything in particular you want me to cover!
Much love ❤️
Posted using Deegram @deegramofficial
Those of us with a good mom and/or dad have really won the lottery in life. its one of the best gifts the universe can give us