Question regarding complex topics within blockchain / DLT / fintech

in #deegram4 years ago

I will give a lecture in February, and have struggled to find the angle other than the maturity of blockchain technology in 2021 and which companies and organizations are gaining success.Out of curiosity, what topics in #blockchain is what my network considers extremely complex?

At the same time, I notice in DeFi's growth and Ethereum2 while I doubt that the lecture (in 30-45 minutes) still has to address the history of economics to simplify the explanation of the big question as easily as possible: Why do we need decentralized finance and technology in 2021?

I know what answers I will proclaim in 2021, but at the same time I know that my network is full of experts in their respective fields.

So, for you personally or in your company, what do you find challenging / difficult about understanding blockchain?

PS: I have an online course under development. This is by no means marketing for the course, this will not come until soon. So far, these are just preparations for a lecture and I will hopefully have the opportunity to post a video of the lecture afterwards for those of you who are interested.

Good Tuesday night on! 🤓🙏🏽💼 #fintech #dlt #lecturesPosted using Deegram @deegramofficial