Do you believe if i tell you that the insides of earth is not compose of solid and hot molten rocks?that at the middle of our planet there hides life forms like dinosour,other civilization that cant be found above our planet.
As science and science fiction merge, we unravel the ancient mysteries of the human experience.If indeed entities exist beneath the surface of the planet,theywould not live in molten rock but in space ships.And as the tectonic plates are breaking it is either by their doing,a knowing that the consciousness hologram that creates this reality,is ending so they no longer have to monitor from below,or they emerge as the plates naturally break appart.
Hollow earth theories always propose a central sun,aliens and mythical subterranean cities and civilizations that some believe could link science and pseudoscience if physically discovered.Glaciers at both the arctic and antarctic regions are melting down at an accelerated rate, which will reveal the truth behind this mystery and its metamorphic connections to other creation myths in the story of humanity's journey on planet.
Note this is still my intro nxt parts coming soon
Nobody believes you without evidence.
Am ath this moment it is still being invistigated. And this infos are highlt classified so its a little bit hard to find them in deep web:) just w8 for the updates.