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RE: Sherk'd Again: The "You're Fired Edition"

in #deepdive5 days ago (edited)

Well, I'm very happy to be availed your thoughts in a shortened format from what you intended originally. Baby steps allow consumers of your thoughts to absorb them. This is a relatively long post compared to the capacity of folks to understand your exposition of politics that is largely new to them. I strongly recommend you post more of smaller posts, rather than less frequent comprehensive posts.

"...firing of the deep state well past its intended boundaries..."

I strongly disagree. The fact that the Republican Party literally rickrolled people instead of providing any information - even the useless redacted flight logs that are all that was released as the 'Epstein client list' - is proof that the firings haven't even touched the relevant demographic promised. That is the swamp, and AFAIK fresh sewage just keeps on filling it in instead of firings draining it.

"...why they'd exempt performance reviews from the grievance process if an employee was getting good reviews."

It's blatantly obvious why. The previous administration was the champion of DIE and ESG, and employee reviews a fundamental component of that policy implementation. Since 2020 racism has been the primary hiring metric across corporate and government institutions, such that ~95% of new hires were DIE hires, and CIS White Men were the class discriminated against. Trump has stated his administration will strangle DIE to death, and will hire according to merit, ignoring DIE completely. That is why employee reviews based on DIE are antithetical to the mass firing of the DIE bolus of government employees being undertaken.

"...failed to gain traction in congress."

It isn't hard to understand the wretched hive of villainy Congress' antipathy to reining in privilege they are a primary vector for doling out. It is hard to actually envision the quantity of power the Fed has spewed out of it's printing presses from 2020 forwards, having pushed >80% of the dollars that exist today into rentiers wallets by BlackRock buying their stocks. Wagies such as government bureaucrats have essentially been impoverished by that means, and wages and benefits Congress can use to put their DIE electorate powerbase at the top of the wagie population is the best tool to ensure their support.

The real power of increasing the quantity of dollars 5x and putting 100% of that increase in the pockets of the rentiers in the last 4 years is that those rentiers are the Epstein clients, the blackmailed. The rickrolling of the electorate instead of the Nuremberg II trials and executions of the kiddy diddlers and baby rapers being blackmailed by AIPAC demonstrates that Trump is just the continuation of the Hegelian Dialectic of controlled opposition that the utterly evil rentiers maintain their political power by.

Trump's rearrangement of the Titanic's deckchairs is irrelevant to that actual power to rule that the electorate has (again) been fooled to think is wagie bureaucrats. The real power is blackmailed rentiers, as it always has been, and since Biden was elected their economic power has been increased by ~5x over the rest of us.
