A worthy article @natepower and an 'important' post for the block-chain, where it is less likely to be scrubbed in the future by the malevolent creatures propagating the demise of peace, happiness, safety, tranquility, free speech, right to self-protection and protection of loved ones, vigilance...and on-and-on-and-on...
The cry out, by the 'too few' that these are 'not' normal/typical forest fires are echoed by the many 'whispering' voices I've heard; some of who have many years of experience as a Fire Fighter/Fire Marshal/investigator...(that I know personally)
I applaud you for passing along this information to those who may otherwise not have been exposed to it, and as a reminder to those of us, that 'know' "shit ain't right" in the MSN news these days.
Thanks so much again for reading my post and dropping a comment, I wasn't a sceptic to start but after looking deeper into the California Fires this is the most horrifying event in the U.S. and is literally on the level of 9-11, this brings the statement inside job to a whole new level!
I'm inclined to believe that , you may be right in your assessment.