You should just stop worrying.
Because the DNA collection service was always a honeytrap to get everyone's DNA. It was never NOT in the possession of the govern-cement.
Of course, i agree with you, that stuff should exist. That kind of database, shouldn't exist while we have an Orwellian govern-cement/deep state.
The good news is that it really doesn't matter that they have YOUR DNA sequence. It is not as good of a "fingerprint" as they make it out to be.
The "DNA" evidence used in movies is just that, in movies. In the actual court room, it is allowed when many times it shouldn't be. There is too much hype, and not enough reality.
What T.H.E.Y. have been doing with it is trying to make a disease that only kills the people they want dead. Other than that, T.H.E.Y. have been trying to catalog human behaviors to know who are the Jokers in the world.
I know you are correct, but I'm also even more angry.
And you have every right to be angry. Govern-cement should never even think of going there.
It should be written in the constitution, govern-cement crosses any of these lines, every govern-cement bureaucrat is fired.