I've put together a few WikiLeaks email posts recently including an expose' on the D.C. Leaks related to Soros' role in the Ukraine coup/crisis, as well as an expose' on how Google/Alphabet/Eric Schmidt collaborated with Al-Jazeera to manufacture propaganda for the Syrian regime change agenda, and thirdly, how the WikiLeaks Podesta emails release revealed fully that the Clinton/Podesta team took millions from Saudi Arabia and Qatar while being fully aware that those countries were financing ISIS operations in Syria.
All three posts are linked here, and whether I win or not, I hope that others find these posts of value and help spread the truth around. All three posts clearly prove that specific global elitists and their media/social media proxies play verifiable roles in fomenting wars around the globe.
Kind regards. Here are the posts:
In Case Anyone Forgot in the Midst of the Deep State's Trump/Russia Collusion Smoke and Mirrors Show - Wikileaks Revealed Clinton Took Millions While Knowing Saudi Arabia and Qatar Funded ISIS
DC Leaks revealed Soros as key player behind the Ukraine Crisis
The third post I placed up on Democratic Underground in 2016 under the screenname "Highoverheadspace". This post and a few others I posted there at the time led to my being stalked, alerted upon and eventually banned at the site. My being banned at DU and other sites led to me deciding to set up my own site "Clarity of Signal" in early 2017, and now has led to me being on Steemit and backing up the geopolitical info that I attain, compile and disseminate.
Wikileaks release of Hillarys emails reveals Google, al Jazeera aided overthrow of Syrian government