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RE: West Coast Milblogger 02/18/2024

in #deepdiveslast year

You're absolutely right. They're building defense lines now that are going to be almost impossible for Russia to pass through there.

We're still waiting for F-16's don't forget about that. If Ukraine can start winning in the sky then they can start taking back large areas of territory by breaking through the lines. It's going to make a difference for sure. Only we'll have to wait for the Spring or Summer.

If it's true they maintain a defensive strategy then we'll see F-16's backed up by air defense and with newly constructed fortifications on the ground more meat wave attacks mean even higher casualty rates.

Just heard Ukraine released their deaths in the war so far: 31,000

That's 10X less that Russia. Any other country in the world would have waved the white flag and retreated by now. Only those meat wave ranks are prisoners and foreigners for the most part (so they say).

Keep on rocking in the free world @ganjafarmer!

Did you see they legalized in Germany! Russia is anti-hemp :(


Congratulations Germany.

Russia shit the bed in this. The losses are looking to be 70+% total military losses.

Then them A50 losses. Oh yeah awacs planes aren't cheap. We only have a limited number and Russia has less.

China is shitting the bed with their past economic issues biting them in the ass... Oh yeah... No war for China they can't even build houses. The youth are in outright rebellion. And the world just bailed on China for manufacturing.

China has its main support now selling arms to Russia. Is that Russia China tunnel cleaner and operational after the sabotage and bombing of that military arms shipment train track and SOLE connection with Russia... Oops. Guess it's not that durable like Russia thought.

Then russia paying 10x the cost for Iranian weapons? In gold! Hahahahahha

Fubar, ha ha. Yeah forgot about the train bombing. Difficult to fix especially in the Siberian winter.